Photo in Word



I want to e-mail photoes by using Word 2000
mainly because I love to see 4 x 6 photoes, rather
large sized-photoes as an attachment.

It's photoes with 4 x 6 on the right side of Word
Text-Body with some words on the left side.

If it's possible, how to do, ... putting photoes 4 x 6
by using Word 2000?

Thanks for your help in advance.

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hi Violet
I want to e-mail photoes by using Word 2000
mainly because I love to see 4 x 6 photoes, rather
large sized-photoes as an attachment.

It's photoes with 4 x 6 on the right side of Word
Text-Body with some words on the left side.

If it's possible, how to do, ... putting photoes 4 x 6
by using Word 2000?

I'm not quite sure about the dimensions of your photos (but then again,
I'm in the metric world and you're probably not :)).

But certainly, you can insert photos in Word. I'd probably setup a table
with 2 columns and as many rows as you have pictures, format it with
fixed column width and row height (ISTR that both is easier in Word
2000 then later), then insert each picture in the right column.

Depending on the amount of pictures, it may pay off to insert all at
once in an empty document and create the table on top of them (convert
to table, insert additional column, voila). Inserting them into the
table makes sure that none will be wider than the column, though.

I would not send around photos like that (in DOC format) unless I know
exactly that the receiver has it installed and approves of that format.
A PDF would be my choice.



Thanks for the response.

After having read, I started to concern whether my folks
are happy about this. Because, most of time they e-mail me
by using XP Photo, Document < click 'photo' < e-mail,
as attachment. Only the '4 x 6,' I received is from a folk who is
VERY good at the computer, particularly as to Photo in general.

Then, I do not want my receivers having a difficulty to open the photoes
I e-mail.

What is "PDF?"
I love to receive photoes, but I am a novice on this, e-mailing photoes.

I would be truly appreciate it if you could elaborate about 'PDF?'

Thanks again.

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hello Violet
Then, I do not want my receivers having a difficulty to open the photoes
I e-mail.

Always a good point to start: what should the end result be?

What is "PDF?"
I love to receive photoes, but I am a novice on this, e-mailing photoes.

I would be truly appreciate it if you could elaborate about 'PDF?'

Portable Document Format, see for instance:

It's intended as a format which can be created from any application
which is able to print. A well-done PDF contains all material needed to
display the result (in contrast to many other document formats, where at
least fonts are not included as per default; sometimes even images are
stored outside the actual document).

Sending pictures in DOC format adds an unnecessary "layer" to the reader
(so does PDF, of course :)). Thinking again, it's probably safest to
send the pictures per se. The _size_ of the pictures you can of course
adjust before sending them, in any graphic application worth its name.
But you can count on that your recipients are able to display at least
GIF and JPEG (nowadays, also PNG) directly (because any web browser can
display those).


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