Photo Alt Tags



I maintain a website on our intranet for my government
agency. We are required to by 508 compliant.

I have 500 photos on the site all sized about 200x300.
I typed the name of each photo in properties and when you
mouse over the photo an alt tag appears.

Our quality control department wants me to add alt tags to
the photos when they are enlarged. I have created a
hyperlink for each photo so that the reader can double
click on the photo to view it full size.

How do I add alt tags to the enlarged photos?

Steve Easton

Are the "enlarged" photos and entirely
different image??

If so you will need to edit the alt tags for each one.

Kevin Spencer

I'm not sure I understand you. You would add the alt tags in the same way
you did before. Or am I missing something?


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Big Things are made up of
Lots of Little Things.


No - both images are the same. I am viewing the larger
image via internet browser. It is not a seperate image.
I know ALT tags are used in HTML coding only and I didn't
know if I could write a tag for the image once it is



The Alt tag show up on the webpage when I mouse over the
photo. When I double click on the photo it opens full
size in another window in my browser.

They want an ALT tag on THIS image. There is not HTML
Coding for the image when it is viewed this way. So I
don't see how I can possible make an alt tag.

Am I correct?

Tom P. Willett

The image is being portrayed directly in a browser from the image folder.
You would need to put the image on it's on actual page to put the alt tag.
Then, you need to change the thumbnail link to point to the page.
Tom P. Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| The Alt tag show up on the webpage when I mouse over the
| photo. When I double click on the photo it opens full
| size in another window in my browser.
| They want an ALT tag on THIS image. There is not HTML
| Coding for the image when it is viewed this way. So I
| don't see how I can possible make an alt tag.
| Am I correct?
| >-----Original Message-----
| >I'm not sure I understand you. You would add the alt tags
| in the same way
| >you did before. Or am I missing something?
| >
| >--
| >HTH,
| >
| >Kevin Spencer
| >Microsoft MVP
| >..Net Developer
| >
| >Big Things are made up of
| >Lots of Little Things.
| >
| >"(e-mail address removed)"
| >| >> I maintain a website on our intranet for my government
| >> agency. We are required to by 508 compliant.
| >>
| >> I have 500 photos on the site all sized about 200x300.
| >> I typed the name of each photo in properties and when
| you
| >> mouse over the photo an alt tag appears.
| >>
| >> Our quality control department wants me to add alt tags
| to
| >> the photos when they are enlarged. I have created a
| >> hyperlink for each photo so that the reader can double
| >> click on the photo to view it full size.
| >>
| >> How do I add alt tags to the enlarged photos?
| >
| >
| >.
| >

Thomas A. Rowe

Unless you have placed the large image onto a page, and then link to that
page from the smaller image, you will not be able to insert any type of text
or alt tags, etc.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Others have already answered your question about ALT tags as they
relate to the "enlarged images." Basically, you would have to create a
separate HTML page for each enlarged image and then add the image and
the ALT tag...

However - . . .

At the risk of opening up the proverbial hornet's nest, you may want
to think about your situation more globally.

What you appear to be describing is what we might call a "gallery"
page or site - a page or site which consists of photographs or other
images. While the Section 508 accessibilty standards call for the use
of ALT tags on all photos, the primary purpose of this is to give
persons who have blindness or visual impairment an understanding of
what the image represents.

One could make the case that galleries are not places that would have
any interest to a blind user. The 508 standard may be met by providing
an alternative site/page which describes the information contained in
the images. For example if these were photos of parts of some
equipment or were demonstating some technique (e.g., a karate move, or
how to tie a knot) then it makes sense to provide details.

If, on the other hand they are panorama photos of the Grand Canyon, it
would be silly to provide more details.

That said, I created a gallery of images of art work for VSArts of
Maine and you can see how
I handled this.

You may want to seek some assistance from folks who deal with
accessible web design for their opinions on this. I suggest joining
the listserv and post your message there.

John E. Brandt
Augusta, Maine

(e-mail address removed) (remove nospam)

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