petty question - continuos form's "Dividing Lines" property



quick UNimportant question;

I have a continous form with "Dividing Lines" set to yes... but is there a
way to change the apparence of that line, saaay, to something dotted or
lighter toned - cause it doesnt look good when i print the form.. Or is
there a way to supress the line just for when the form is printed, then i
could replace it with a custom drawn line.

For screen viewing, the forms "Dividing Lines" match up perfectly to the
Record Selector's row width...And this i have been unable to duplicate with
manually inserted / hand drawn lines....oh, i keep the Record Selector
visible so a user can double click a record from the list and have it open
another form displaying details of that record.



If you save the form as a report (File > Save As) you will have a lot more
flexibility with the formatting. Having said that, you should be able to add
Me.DividingLines = False to the command button that prints the form. Just
remember to set it back again after the Print command has run.

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