Personalised Customer Orders



I am selling personalised gifts on the Web (very small time but hopefully growing). Using FrontPage and Access 2000, I have managed to create ASP pages to collect the customer's details as well as the the personalisation details for the products. The customer can, and usually does, order many items - all with different personalisation i.e. two mugs with the names Janet and John printed on them and one t-shirt with Mary printed on it. To avoid the customer having to enter their details over and over again both the Customer and the Order tables are separate to each other. The customer usually comes back to order more items later in the year.

I am able to retrieve the information from both tables, but for the life of me I cannot marry them up. Because the business is so small I can usually work out who has ordered what by looking at the time the orders were received........yes, really!!!

Can anybody offer a possible solution to the problem whereby I can tie-in personalised orders to a customer. I am not a programmer - just an enthusiast with a copy of "Running Microsoft Access 2000". I could even be persuaded to adapt the Access 2000 sample database "Order Entry" to fit my needs if that helps

Many thanks in anticipatio



You should have a seperate table for: Customers Details,
Products, Orders, and possibly another of Order
Details/Personalisation. Each Table should inclued a
Colum Defined as Primary Key (uniquely identifies
record). You then need to create relationships between
the tables. In the Orders table create a field Customer.
Create a relate a relationship between this field and the
Primary Key field in Customers table. (You can do this by
selecting Lookup Wizard in the Data type property).
Repeat this to relate your tables.
-----Original Message-----
I am selling personalised gifts on the Web (very small
time but hopefully growing). Using FrontPage and Access
2000, I have managed to create ASP pages to collect the
customer's details as well as the the personalisation
details for the products. The customer can, and usually
does, order many items - all with different
personalisation i.e. two mugs with the names Janet and
John printed on them and one t-shirt with Mary printed on
it. To avoid the customer having to enter their details
over and over again both the Customer and the Order
tables are separate to each other. The customer usually
comes back to order more items later in the year.
I am able to retrieve the information from both tables,
but for the life of me I cannot marry them up. Because
the business is so small I can usually work out who has
ordered what by looking at the time the orders were
received........yes, really!!!
Can anybody offer a possible solution to the problem
whereby I can tie-in personalised orders to a customer.
I am not a programmer - just an enthusiast with a copy
of "Running Microsoft Access 2000". I could even be
persuaded to adapt the Access 2000 sample database "Order
Entry" to fit my needs if that helps.


Many thanks for your help and advice - much appreciated. I'm still trying to get my head around the basics of relational databases - perhaps it will hit me one day :)


the best way to get good at building databases is to build databases
(hopefully not mission-critical ones <g>). keep building and researching
and reading and asking questions and solving those real-world problems that
come up - it *will* get easier, quicker and a lot more fun! good luck!

Neill said:
Many thanks for your help and advice - much appreciated. I'm still trying
to get my head around the basics of relational databases - perhaps it will
hit me one day :)

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