Personal.xls sometimes does not open




My personal.xls file for excel won't open when I doubleclick an .xls

It does, however, open normally when I start excel regularly.

Location of personal.xls=
D:\Documents and Settings\username\Application

which corresponds to the value I get when checking it in Visual Basic.

It's not 'disabled' in Help --> About --> Disabled Items

Any idea what causes this?


Dave Peterson

Could it be that personal.xls tries to open and excel gives you a warning
message that it's already open.

And you answer No to the "open readonly" prompt?

If that happens, then it sounds like windows is trying to start a second
instance of excel when you double click on any .xls file--instead of using the
already opened instance.

Sometimes one of these works when you're having trouble with double clicking on
the file in windows explorer:

Tools|Options|General|Ignore other applications (uncheck it)

--- or ---

Close Excel and
Windows Start Button|Run
excel /unregserver
Windows Start Button|Run
excel /regserver

The /unregserver & /regserver stuff resets the windows registry to excel's
factory defaults.

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