Percentages in pie chart



I have a pie chart with five categories but I need to show them in the pie
chart as whole numbers.
My values are 13.68%, 2.56%, 8.55%, 14.53%, 60.68%

I expect the chart wants to add up to 100% in round numbers so I expect it
to round the 14.53% up, and the 60.68% up, however what it actually does is
rounds the 14.53% down to 14% and the 60.68% down, which is incorrect.

Please can you advise how I can resolve or explain this?



It rounds 3 up and 2 down to get 100%. How else would you you do it?

Does this significantly change the "meaning/interpretation" of the chart?

Bernard Liengme

On the chart, right click one of the values
Select Format Data Labels for dropdown menu
On Number tab, set the number of decimal places required
best wishes

David Biddulph

When I altered the format of the data labels from 2 decimal places to zero,
it rounded to the nearest as I expected. Make sure your labels are set to
use "Value", not "Percentage".



Thanks to all, I have ran the data from the percentage data and set to run
off value rather than percentage and this is now adding the correct numbers.

Thanks for all of your help.


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