PC Security Results For This Year


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
The Which report for this year rates the built in Microsoft security on Windows 8 as the best, closely followed by MSE, downloaded and free, in second place.

The next best freebie is Avira, 7th, and then Zonealarm, 8th. AVG, which was somehow 4th last year, is now rated 15th and Avast has now dropped to 18th.

The rest on the list are all paid for systems.

So, on these tests, and,as last year, Microsoft wins yet again (not often we hear that :)).
Good to know the freebies made it to the top! I use MSE and it is maintenance free :thumb:
You know why Windows 8 is listed as having the best security? Cos to qualify for top place the security must have the least amount of infections. And the reason Win 8 has the least amount of infections is...

Nobody uses it! :D
I'm sure at least 5 of the 80 million mugs that bought Windows 8 are using it :lol:

so, that works out at, if my Math is right, 875 persons per Billion people, assuming everyone has at least one computer. :)

You know why Windows 8 is listed as having the best security? Cos to qualify for top place the security must have the least amount of infections. And the reason Win 8 has the least amount of infections is...

Nobody uses it! :D
Bang on the money there :D
Did use MSE but did not protect me from a virus recently!
Now use Bitdefender Internet Security and very happy with it.
But it is really up to what you like, get recommended or am willing to pay!!!
Sad thing is that is not the truth. Many people use W8 and praise it.You only have to look at the comments the 13 million people leave on their official Facebook page :D

Good news! We've found a donor for you :)

Report to the admissions lounge, 2nd floor, east wing, St Thomas' at 7am May 5th and we will carry out the neccessary surgery to reinstate your sense of humour.

Please bring a toothbrush with you.
Good news! We've found a donor for you :)

Report to the admissions lounge, 2nd floor, east wing, St Thomas' at 7am May 5th and we will carry out the neccessary surgery to reinstate your sense of humour.

Please bring a toothbrush with you.
Mr Flopps your using the force well today young jedi and humour level is high i see!:dance:
Good news! We've found a donor for you :)

Report to the admissions lounge, 2nd floor, east wing, St Thomas' at 7am May 5th and we will carry out the neccessary surgery to reinstate your sense of humour.

Please bring a toothbrush with you.

I use it on one of my lapatops, and honestly after a week or two its ok to use

Fear of change
I use it on one of my lapatops, and honestly after a week or two its ok to use

Fear of change

Gordon Bennet! :mad: Not the point! Twas just a joke. A funnee. A ha-ha-ha. An attempt at mirth. Much humour in the marsh, ya know?

So you a use it on a your lap-a-top? Thas good innit, lets a have a singa song.

Courtesy a Joe Dolce innit:

What's-a matter you? Hey! Gotta no respect.
What-a you t'ink you do? Why you look-a so sad?
It's-a not so bad, it's-a nice-a place.

Ah, shaddap-a you face!

And, er, that's also meant to be a slice of chuckle :o
PS: Fear of change? Hogwash.

I tried Win 8 for a month and in my opinion it's an unadulterated pile off pig's spew. I tried, I wanted to like it, but hand on heart I did not like it. File under 'ME' & 'Vista'. But hey, we're all different I suppose.

As for all those folk who profess to like it, they could let all the Microsoft employees pull all their toenails out and they'd still say they liked it just cos it's...... Microsoft :)
bugger ... I now have a funny tune in my head. :rolleyes:
bugger ... I now have a funny tune in my head. :rolleyes:
Just for you Mucks!:thumb:
'Allo, I'm-a Giuseppe, I got-a something special-a for you, ready
Uno, duo, tre, quatro
When I was a boy, just about the eighth-a grade
Mama used to say don't stay out-a late
With the bad-a boys, always shoot-a pool
Giuseppe going to flunk-a school

Boy, it make-a me sick, all the t'ing I gotta do
I can't-a get-a no kicks, always got to follow rules
Boy, it make-a me sick, just to make-a lousy bucks
Got to feel-a like a fool and-a mama used to say all-a time

What's-a matter you Hey! Gotta no respect
What-a you t'ink you do? Why you look-a so sad
It's-a not so bad, it's-a nice-a place
Ah, shaddap-a you face

That's-a my mama, I can remember
Big accordion solo
Ah! Play dat again, Really nice, really nice

Soon-a come-a day, gonna be a big-a star
Den I make-a TV shows and-a movies
Get-a myself a new car, but still I be myself
I don't want-a to change a t'ing, still a-dance and a-sing
I t'ink about-a mama, she used to say

What's-a matter you Hey! Gotta no respect
What-a you t'ink you do Why you look-a so sad
It's-a not so bad, it's-a nice-a place
Ah, shaddap-a you face

Mama, she said it all-a da time
What's-a matter you Hey Gotta no respect
What-a you t'ink you do Why you look-a so sad
It's-a not so bad, it's-a nice-a place
Ah, shaddap-a you face
That s-a my mama

Hello, everybody!
'At's out-a dere in-a radio and-a TV land
Did you know I had a big-a hit-a song in-a Italy with-a disc
Shaddap-a you face
I sing-a dis-a song, all-a my fans applaud
Dey clap-a da hands, dat-a make me feel-a so good
You ought to learn-a dis-a song, it's-a real-a simple
See, I sing: what's-a matter you You sing Hey
Den I sing-a da rest and den at de end, we can all-a sing:
Ah, Shaddap-a you face! O.k., let's-a try it, really big

Uno, duo, tre, quatro
What's-a matter you Hey Gotta no respect Hey
What-a you t'ink you Hey do Why you look-a so sad Hey
It's-a not so bad Hey it's-a nice-a place
Ah, shaddap-a you face
OK one more-a time for mama
What's-a matter you Hey Gotta no respect Hey
What-a you t'ink you Hey do Why you look-a so sad Hey
It's-a not so bad Hey it's-a nice-a place
Ah, shaddap-a you face