- Bobb -
I'm gonna install latest version of Vista so I need to resize a
I've got XP all alone on a 141gb partition and rather than image
it,repartition and reinstall, I just visited BootIt NG and UBCD to check the free software.
Any opinions on freeware ?- good or bad - easy to use etc on any of
BootIt NG
Ranish Partition Manager 2.40
TestDisk 6.2
Partition Resizer 1.3.4
Active@ Partition Recovery
Both drives are NTFS
Drive 1 has 2 installs of XP(C) and E (old XP install) and a
Drive 2 = X64 ( E = 25 gb) and XP SP2 ( F= 141gb)
I want to resize F to be ~ 25gb and then make 2 new partitions on Drive
2 - Vista and a library. So I expect to use the program to resize F- get
the 2 new partitions on there and then I'm done with it ( so that's why
I didn't want to spend ~$50 for the solution).
I figured both X64 installs to go on the same drive. Drive 1 WAS a
standalone XP/ X64 drive that I'm reusing to see differences between X64
and Vista.
Plan B : I could use Norton Ghost to image F - save the install to
CD/DVD and when Vista trial is over, restore it there .
I've got XP all alone on a 141gb partition and rather than image
it,repartition and reinstall, I just visited BootIt NG and UBCD to check the free software.
Any opinions on freeware ?- good or bad - easy to use etc on any of
BootIt NG
Ranish Partition Manager 2.40
TestDisk 6.2
Partition Resizer 1.3.4
Active@ Partition Recovery
Both drives are NTFS
Drive 1 has 2 installs of XP(C) and E (old XP install) and a
Drive 2 = X64 ( E = 25 gb) and XP SP2 ( F= 141gb)
I want to resize F to be ~ 25gb and then make 2 new partitions on Drive
2 - Vista and a library. So I expect to use the program to resize F- get
the 2 new partitions on there and then I'm done with it ( so that's why
I didn't want to spend ~$50 for the solution).
I figured both X64 installs to go on the same drive. Drive 1 WAS a
standalone XP/ X64 drive that I'm reusing to see differences between X64
and Vista.
Plan B : I could use Norton Ghost to image F - save the install to
CD/DVD and when Vista trial is over, restore it there .