paste from notepad into merged cells


Marion Jakob


i would like to paste text via clipboard into a merged cell in excel.

let's say i merged cells A,B and C. if i copy the word "test" from
notepad and paste it into this merged cell excel doesn't accept it.

so i wrote "test" into the merged cell and pasted it into notepad. in
notepad appeard "test" followed by 2 tabs (the two tabs are because i
merged 3 cells).

i thaught i found the solution and copied "test" folowed by 2 tabs
from notepad into the merged cell.
excel accepts it but it splits the merged cells!

is there a way to paste text from a text editor into merged cells
without splitting them?

i think the best would be not working with merged cells but i didn't
desing the sheets by myself and i would not like to change all the

thanks for your help

Peo Sjoblom

Yet another reason for not using merged cells.
You could record a macro when you unmerge the cells,
and paste what's in the clipboard and then merge them again
but merged cells are such a hassle I'd strongly recommend
not using it. You can basically get similar layouts using multiple cells and
center across selection etc..

Marion Jakob

i would like to paste several rows and columns (tab between cols and
ascii 13,10 between rows) at one time.
for that case pasting into the formula bar won't work because all the
text would be in one cell.

since there seems to be no solution i will redesign the
sheets...thanks to microsoft for the merged cells!!!

thanks for your help anyway

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