Passing parameter from Excel to stored procedure?



Greetings. I am writing an Excel application that must pass a user-defined
value to a stored procedure. So far it looks like the only option I have is
going through MSQuery, which does not appear to support passing parameters
to stored procedures. Does anyone know how to do this, either with MSQuery
or a workaround? More info - I am using Office 97. Maybe Office 2000 has
this capability? Thank you.

Achint Srivastava [MS]

As Patrick mentioned the best way to work around this is to use ADO from
VBA. HEre is an article which shows how to invoke stored procedures from
VBA. It also shows how to pass parameters to the stored procedure.

185125 HOWTO: Invoke a Stored Procedure with ADO Query Using VBA/C++/Java

Achint Srivastava
Microsoft Developer Support

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