passing generics in a function?


A. Burch

Is it legal to pass a generic object as a parameter, like the following
function is trying to do Queue<int>q. Please see the URL with the entire
example and can someone tell me why this doesn't compile and how to fix it:

private static void ShowQueueContents(Queue<int> q)
lock (((ICollection)q).SyncRoot)
foreach (int item in q)
Console.Write("{0} ", item);

The example below for a producer/consumer doesn't compile with VS 2005

A. Burch

What is missing from the code for this error....
The error I got is related to the first argument in the function
Producer(Queue<int> q

public Producer(Queue<int> q, SyncEvents e)
_queue = q;
_syncEvents = e;

Error 1 The non-generic type 'System.Collections.Queue' cannot be used with
type arguments C:\MQueue\PCT\SyncEvents.cs

Barry Kelly

A. Burch said:
What is missing from the code for this error....
The error I got is related to the first argument in the function
Producer(Queue<int> q

public Producer(Queue<int> q, SyncEvents e)
_queue = q;
_syncEvents = e;

Error 1 The non-generic type 'System.Collections.Queue' cannot be used with
type arguments C:\MQueue\PCT\SyncEvents.cs

Add "using System.Collection.Generic;" to the top of your file.

-- Barry

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