Passing a generic type of class ?


A. Burch

What is wrong with this type of generic...

I get this error....

Error 1 Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type
'System.Collections.Generic.Queue<TMQ.TheRec>' is less accessible than
method 'TMQ.Prod.Prod(System.Collections.Generic.Queue<TMQ.TheRec>)'
C:\MQueue\TMQ\Program.cs 21 16 TMQ

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace TMQ
class TheRec
public string RecSymbol;
public string RecTime;
public double RecPrice;
public TheRec(string recsymbol, string rectime, double recprice)
this.RecSymbol = recsymbol;
this.RecTime = rectime;
this.RecPrice = recprice;
public class Prod
public Prod(Queue<TheRec> q)
_queue = q;
private Queue<TheRec> _queue;

static void Main(string[] args)
Queue<TheRec> OPQ = new Queue<TheRec>();

Barry Kelly

A. Burch said:
Error 1 Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type
'System.Collections.Generic.Queue<TMQ.TheRec>' is less accessible than
method 'TMQ.Prod.Prod(System.Collections.Generic.Queue<TMQ.TheRec>)'
C:\MQueue\TMQ\Program.cs 21 16 TMQ
class TheRec

This class is internal, not public.
public class Prod
public Prod(Queue<TheRec> q)

And here you have a public constructor of a public class which expects a
parameter which can never be supplied by users of this class Prod which
are not inside this assembly - namely, TheRec.

The solution is either to make Prod internal (i.e. remove the 'public')
or make TheRec public (i.e. add 'public' to TheRec).

-- Barry

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