Passing function pointer from VB .NET to C dll



This is a repost with an update

Does any one know how to pass a function pointer as a function parameter
from VB .NET to a C dll?

Currently I'm passing it this way

Public Delegate Sub DSCUserInterruptFunction()

Public Declare Function dscUserInt Lib "dscud.dll" (ByVal board As Short,
ByRef dscuserint As dscUserInt, <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)> ByRef
functions As DSCUserInterruptFunction) As Byte

Public Sub count()

dscUserInt(board, dscuserint, AddressOf count)

But this isn't working. My program just crashes and exits. Any ideas?


Another related question

How do I keep the garbage collector from collecting the AddressOf count or
my funct variable below?

dim func as DSCUserIntFunction

func = AddressOf count


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