Pass an ADO recordset




Is is possible to structure VBA code so that I can call a
function that runs a query, say in ADO, return the data to
a recordset and then return that recordset to the calling
subroutine in another module?

If so, I need some example code that illustrates how to do
this. I have been unsuccessful so far. My call to the
function works and the query returns the data into the
recordset, but I can't seem to pass the recordset back to
the calling subroutine. Apparently, you can't pass it like
an array? ...Unless I not dimensioning my variables

Your example code would be most helpful. Thanks in advance.

Harald Staff


If you set reference to ADO (Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects) then you have a
datatype called ADODB.Recordset that I believe you can pass like this:

Sub test()
Dim Cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim Rst As New ADODB.Recordset
'Open db, Get data, ...
Call Another(Rst)
Set Rst = Nothing
Set Cnn = Nothing
End Sub

Sub Another(Rst As ADODB.Recordset)
'do stuff
End Sub


Thanks Harald! My preferred structure would be more like
the following - is something like this possible?:

Sub Main_Sub()

....other code...

'Call query function and return recordset
rst = RunADOQueryFunction(strFullName, strSQL, strTable) stuff with rst...


end sub

Harald Staff

Probably. Datatypes are datatypes. Try making something like

Function RunADOQuery(whatever as whatever) As ADODB.Recordset
Dim Cnn As New ADODB.Connection


Sub Main_Sub()
Dim Rst As ADODB.Recordset
Set Rst = RunADOQueryFunction(variables...)

Bob Phillips

Using Harald;s example, could you not just use

Function RunADOQueryFunction(strFullName, strSQL, strTable)
Dim Cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim Rst As New ADODB.Recordset
'Open db, Get data, ...
RunADOQueryFunction =Rst
Set Rst = Nothing
Set Cnn = Nothing
End Sub

Sub Main()

rst = RunADOQueryFunction(strFullName, strSQL, strTable)

End Sub

This assumes you know how to connect and issue the SQL and get the recordset
back. Or is that the real question ?



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)


Thanks Harald (and all who responded), I was missing
the "As ADODB.Recordset" outside the parentheses.

Function RunADOQuery(args) As ADODB.Recordset

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