Partitioning hard drive



I bought a new Hard Drive (I did nothing to it beyond physically putting it
into the computer) I then loaded Vista Home Premium by booting from the
CD/DVD drive. It loaded without problems but now I would like to partition
the hard drive (400GB SATA). I have looked at other discussions but I am not
an expert by any means and I would like some help based on my circumstances.


control panel > administrative tools> computer managment>storage> disk

that is the tool for doing what you want..

if you need any help post back

Frank Bright

Cal Bear '66 said:
Use Help and Support, search for partition and format for guided help
Vista has the best system I've seen for doing partitions. I used to be
scared of doing partitions and never went near the subject; Vista now makes
it easy.

Even Linuxarions, when discussing setting up a dual boot with Vista and
Ubuntu, suggest that you do the partitions in Vista before beginning the
Ubuntu install.

You can extend (enlarge) partitions, and shrink them, format them or not,
etc. It's a great interface.

Good Luck, Frank B.


there are many third party apps that do the same...

actually the vista one looks very primitive compared to the (incompatible
with vista) partition magic.

there are however paragon partition manager and acronis disk director that
are vista compatible


I bought a new Hard Drive (I did nothing to it beyond physically putting it
into the computer) I then loaded Vista Home Premium by booting from the
CD/DVD drive. It loaded without problems but now I would like to partition
the hard drive (400GB SATA). I have looked at other discussions but I am not
an expert by any means and I would like some help based on my circumstances.

FWIW the Gparted Live CD boots up with a very nice, very robust GUI based
partitioning tool.


I was out for a couple of hours and just returned. I was gratified to see the
replies I received this is definitely a good bunch of enthusiasts. I will try
the disk management route and see what happens, thanks guys, I'll be back if
I run into trouble.


there are many third party apps that do the same...

actually the vista one looks very primitive compared to the (incompatible
with vista) partition magic.

there are however paragon partition manager and acronis disk director that
are vista compatible

There is another reason to use a 3th party tool: If you extend a
partition with Vista, it will be a virtual partition.

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