Parsing Named Parameters?



I want to start passing more than one parm to MS Access on the
command line.

Right now, I'm only passing parm: a path to the local directory
where the front end lives - retrieving it simply via Command().

/ini "%IniPath%" /wrkgrp "%SecPath%"
/Excl /Cmd %AppDirLocal%

myLocalDirectory = Command()

Now I guess I'll have to do something like

myCommandLine = Command()

and then parse out the named parms.

I know it's not rocket science, but it looks like a good 4 man
hours to get it working and thoroughly tested.... and it also
sounds like one of those bread-and-butter things that greater
minds than mine have already done many times.... and a lot

Anybody know of a link?

Tom van Stiphout

On Sat, 09 Aug 2008 20:38:17 -0400, "(PeteCresswell)" <[email protected]>

Do you have control over the format of the command line string? If
yes, I might suggest a querystring-like format:

This is easy to parse using two Splits.
With any command line you have to worry about embedded separator
chars. It would be nice if you could avoid them.

Microsoft Access MVP

Graham Mandeno

Hi Pete

Here's some code I use that you might find useful:

============= start code =======================
Option Explicit

Private Const cParamDelimiter = ";"
Private Const cValueDelimiter = "="

Private colOptions As Collection

Private Sub LoadCommandOptions()
Dim a() As String, sCommand As String, i As Integer
Dim sKey As String, sValue As String, p As Integer
Set colOptions = New Collection
sCommand = Trim(Command)
If Len(sCommand) = 0 Then Exit Sub
a = Split(sCommand, cParamDelimiter)
For i = 0 To UBound(a)
sKey = Trim(a(i))
If Len(sKey) <> 0 Then
p = InStr(sKey, cValueDelimiter)
If p = 0 Then
sValue = ""
sValue = Trim(Mid(sKey, p + 1))
sKey = Trim(Left(sKey, p - 1))
End If
colOptions.Add sValue, sKey
End If
End Sub

Public Function GetCommandOption(Key As String) As Variant
If colOptions Is Nothing Then LoadCommandOptions
On Error Resume Next
GetCommandOption = colOptions(Key)
If Err Then
GetCommandOption = Null
End If
End Function

Public Function CommandOptionPresent(Key As String) As Boolean
CommandOptionPresent = Not IsNull(GetCommandOption(Key))
End Function
============== end code ========================

Just change the constants at the top to match the delimiters you wish to


Per Graham Mandeno:
Hi Pete

Here's some code I use that you might find useful:

Thanks Graham. That got me going.

Wound up parsing to an array of custom type ("NamedParm" which
has .Name and .Value) instead of a collection - and made it my
usual overly-verbose coding.... But it works....

Just a little shy of 1.5 man-hours....

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