Page Not Found Error



I have a problem when I go to almost any website the Page Not Found error
displays. For example, I can get to, but if I click on the news
item , it will bring me to the news page for a split second and then
redirects to the "Page Not Found" page. I tried everything I found in this
group and all in vain....

Please, help. It appears that the problem aggravates with time ....


I have this issue as well when trying to access I get the error
page and Cannot find server or DNS Error
Internet Explorer

Any clues?

Jan Il

Hi njake :)

You may have a hijacker or other malware on your system. Take a look at the
information here on how to clean your system.

Dealing with Unwanted Spyware and Parasites:

Hope this helps :)

Jan :)
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that's why they're so contagious.

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Robert Aldwinckle

njake said:
I have a problem when I go to almost any website the Page Not Found error
displays. For example, I can get to, but if I click on the news
item , it will bring me to the news page for a split second and then
redirects to the "Page Not Found" page.

Since you are calling it "the Page Not Found" (emphasize "the")
I suspect that you have a default setting in Advanced options
which may be obscuring the *real* error message you should be seeing.

Show friendly HTTP error messages

That should be *unchecked*, especially for Yahoo, since its 404 error messages
often contain more options as well as descriptive text, in HTML.

Also in case you have made Yahoo a saved Favourite you probably should press
Ctrl-F5 before clicking on "a news item".

In order to make sure that you always see current pages and links
I suggest you change your cache-checking settings to Every visit...
(e.g. via the Tools menu: Alt-T,O,Alt-S,E)

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle

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