Ownership off everything



I want to know if it is possible to make sure I have total control every
folder on my computer. I have recently reinstalled windows and have access
denied to some folders from a previous profile.-which does have admin rights.
I have started in safe made to adjust ownership and permissions but i must
be doing something wrong. Any suggestions? Thanks

P. Di Stolfo


try it again: Go to the security tab of the Harddisk properties. Click
Advanced -> tab "Owner", select your username, select "Replace owner on
subcontainers and objects". Then, in the Advanced window -> tab
Permissions -> add yourself to the list in the security tab, giving yourself
all permissions, and check the box "Replace all existing inheritable...".

Hope this helps.
P. Di Stolfo


thanks- i will try again tonight.

P. Di Stolfo said:

try it again: Go to the security tab of the Harddisk properties. Click
Advanced -> tab "Owner", select your username, select "Replace owner on
subcontainers and objects". Then, in the Advanced window -> tab
Permissions -> add yourself to the list in the security tab, giving yourself
all permissions, and check the box "Replace all existing inheritable...".

Hope this helps.
P. Di Stolfo

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