Outlook rule to delete spam



I need help in setting up an Outlook rule to automatically delete
certain spam.

I have been receiving a lot of spam of the same type recently - about
a dozen messages a day. The sender's address and the subject of the
email always vary. All the messages contain a picture showing text that

TRADING ALERT FOR [company name]

All of this text appears in a picture and the company name, date and
other details vary, but because it is in a picture, I cannot set up a
rule to look for words such as "TRADING ALERT".

Underneath the picture there will be about 20 line of text that are
always different and look like part of a chapter of a fiction book.

The total size varies from about 38 to 45K but there is no attachment,
the picture shows up in the message.

I can View Source and there is always the following

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;
<META content="MSHTML 6.00.2800.1106" name=GENERATOR>

I have tried to set up a rule that looks for the words DTD HTML but
that doesn't work. I don't know why.

Can anyone help with a rule to find something common in all of these
messages and delete them?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Using rules to stop or block spam is like spitting into the wind. Don't
waste your time. Get a third party spam blocker such as SpamBayes and use
it to block these types of spam. As you have already learned, they never
use the same criteria when sending so making a rule to block it is useless.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Skii asked:

| I need help in setting up an Outlook rule to automatically delete
| certain spam.
| I have been receiving a lot of spam of the same type recently - about
| a dozen messages a day. The sender's address and the subject of the
| email always vary. All the messages contain a picture showing text
| that reads
| TRADING ALERT FOR [company name]
| All of this text appears in a picture and the company name, date and
| other details vary, but because it is in a picture, I cannot set up a
| rule to look for words such as "TRADING ALERT".
| Underneath the picture there will be about 20 line of text that are
| always different and look like part of a chapter of a fiction book.
| The total size varies from about 38 to 45K but there is no attachment,
| the picture shows up in the message.
| I can View Source and there is always the following
| <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
| <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;
| charset=windows-1252">
| <META content="MSHTML 6.00.2800.1106" name=GENERATOR>
| </HEAD>
| I have tried to set up a rule that looks for the words DTD HTML but
| that doesn't work. I don't know why.
| Can anyone help with a rule to find something common in all of these
| messages and delete them?


You've been hit by the latest spammer trick. They are sending pictures of
emails instead of the actual email and this makes it very difficult to block.
You can block the just the address domain with a rule if it's the same each
time. You cannot block the info in the picture, which is where most of the
info is. You should not automatically delete permanently but instead create
the rule to put in your Junk Mail folder and then add to your Blocked Senders
list. There is a higher chance of missing legit mail if you delete without
looking at the headers first. I find my antispam software EZ Armor recognizes
most of these and puts them in the Junk Mail folder. Other blockers would
work, too. Stay away from McAfee Spamkiller, however. It does not integrate
well with Outlook.

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