Outlook 2003 navigation pane

  • Thread starter Thread starter shawnlander
  • Start date Start date


Does anyone know of a way to automatically collapse expanded folders
after you transfer mail around? Or at least a keyboard shortcut that
collapses all folders?


I have subfolders in subfolders in subfolders for organizing my
email. I keep all my folders collapsed so I only see the top level
parent subfolders. When I get messages and transfer them around I
drag the message to the parent folder... it expands... i keep dragging
to the next parent... it expands... and so on until I finally drop it
in the folder that I want it to end up in. After I drop it I want the
entire thing to collapse again... instead I'm stuck going back up the
chain clicking on each '-' sign to collapse the folder.

Can anyone help here or am I stuck with all the clicking? Or stuck
with an open-all-the-time humongeous folder list?

So many other mail clients do this... it's just odd that I can't
figure it out in Outlook.
Does anyone know of a way to automatically collapse expanded folders
after you transfer mail around? Or at least a keyboard shortcut that
collapses all folders?

There isn't, but, I can't actually exactly reproduce the behaviour you're

If I collapse the top-level folder and then re-expand it, all the folders
are back to collapsed.

In other words, I created the following structure:
| |-Blah

If I expand it all out to look like the above, and then click the - next to
Root and click the +, I see

I don't need to collapse each branch of the tree individually. If I expand
*everything*, I can then collapse the top level folder (in this case,
Personal Folders) and then expand it and nothing is expanded.

Are you connected to an Exchange server? It shouldn't behave differently,
but then, shouldn't and doesn't are two different things, aren't they. =)
I don't need to collapse each branch of the tree individually. If I expand
*everything*, I can then collapse the top level folder (in this case,
Personal Folders) and then expand it and nothing is expanded

I never thought of that, collapsing just the top level folder. Takes
someone coming from a different perspective to get the answer. Thanx.
That's a good solution.
