Greg Carr
Hi I'm using IE8.0 and have the latest Adobe Flash Player installed.
For the last three days I have been getting this error msg and can't
see the videos. Anyone know a solution?
Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of
Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player is the error msg
I get. This happened once before and I can't remember what I did to
get it back.
The following is my sig file updated as of 14th of Kislev, 5769:
We are awaiting the return of our JHVH in the flesh or his Son. His Son Yu'shua died on the cross for our sins, was resurrected and walked the earth for awhile then ascended unto Heaven. We await the Third Coming not the Second.
Scottish Quaker Robert Barclay-"The weighty Truths of God were neglected, and, as it were, went into Desuetude. ...
Who will be the last Coalition soldier to be maimed in Iraq?
Canadian troops out of Afghanistan and into Darfur.http://www.amnesty.ca/instantkarma/petition.php
Good luck to anyone trying to learn Hebrew. I am looking for a Hebrew-Gregorian calendar in both Hebrew and English lettering.
I am looking for my missing automobile. Left in the care of Low's Tire (Firestone) on King George Hwy which has since gone out of business. A man who claimed to be a tow truck driver named Jerry (sounded Black) called me and said he had it
but when I called him back he denied it. JVD-298 "89 Plymouth Reliant white with red interior. Devellis in lettering on the rear trunk. Contact me by email or the GRC if you are one of those ppl. Am looking for the address of Dave Reynolds and any info about him. He used to run Low's Tires and since he refuses to answer his email (e-mail address removed) I can only assume he is the person who stole my vehicle and the contents in it. I have talked to the new owners and they claim to know nothing.
3P3BK41D9KT921716 is the vin number. Dave Reynolds still has a valid email (e-mail address removed) but refuses to return my inquiries.Any info about this thief is appreciated.
I am also looking for various books and CD's that I have discovered missing. All are marked Greg Carr on the inside cover or somewhere in the CD booklet. $5 reward for each CD and for each book. Will pay $200 for info regarding how they disappeared because I honestly don't know.
u8m854p98su072q3l8chiss3t0lcr0[email protected] is a post of mine about the liar and police agent Gordon Sauck. It has been censored by Google Groups.
Jonathon Gregory and Craig Wong are thieves and liars and smokers.They live at 344 E.Hastings St. They call and lie to Vancouver Police and the Landlord-Tenancy Branch.
Mike Poirier is HA and works at DPS at 817 Denman St. This company is such a bunch of liars that besides stealing from ppl they claim to be 100% Cdn owned on their signs when in fact they are owned by a rich man in Seattle. You anti-semitic types might like to know the man is a Jew. Poirier is a liar and perjurer and he attacks ppl for no reason and then calls Vancouver Police if he loses.
DPS 817 Denman St
V6G 2L7 Canada
(604) 681-8797
(604) 684-0329 Fax
(e-mail address removed)
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 3055
Vancouver, BC V6B 3X5 Canada
Mike Poirier – Regional Vice President of Operations
(e-mail address removed)
He lives in Burnaby. Caucasian 5"8 in platform shoes.
<a href="http://www.free-iqtest.net" title="Free IQ Test"><img src="http://www.free-iqtest.net/images/badges2/l122.gif" width="200" height="100" alt="Free IQ Test" border="0"></a><br>Free-IQTest.net - <a title="Free IQ Test" href="http://www.free-iqtest.net">Free IQ Test</a><img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="http://counters.gigya.com/wildfire/...3NzIxYzk4MTU*ZWVlOWFlZmNjMzFjMzIwZTM2Mg==.gif" />
This is just a line I typed to see if you would read it
For the last three days I have been getting this error msg and can't
see the videos. Anyone know a solution?
Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of
Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player is the error msg
I get. This happened once before and I can't remember what I did to
get it back.
The following is my sig file updated as of 14th of Kislev, 5769:
We are awaiting the return of our JHVH in the flesh or his Son. His Son Yu'shua died on the cross for our sins, was resurrected and walked the earth for awhile then ascended unto Heaven. We await the Third Coming not the Second.
Scottish Quaker Robert Barclay-"The weighty Truths of God were neglected, and, as it were, went into Desuetude. ...
Who will be the last Coalition soldier to be maimed in Iraq?
Canadian troops out of Afghanistan and into Darfur.http://www.amnesty.ca/instantkarma/petition.php
Good luck to anyone trying to learn Hebrew. I am looking for a Hebrew-Gregorian calendar in both Hebrew and English lettering.
I am looking for my missing automobile. Left in the care of Low's Tire (Firestone) on King George Hwy which has since gone out of business. A man who claimed to be a tow truck driver named Jerry (sounded Black) called me and said he had it
but when I called him back he denied it. JVD-298 "89 Plymouth Reliant white with red interior. Devellis in lettering on the rear trunk. Contact me by email or the GRC if you are one of those ppl. Am looking for the address of Dave Reynolds and any info about him. He used to run Low's Tires and since he refuses to answer his email (e-mail address removed) I can only assume he is the person who stole my vehicle and the contents in it. I have talked to the new owners and they claim to know nothing.
3P3BK41D9KT921716 is the vin number. Dave Reynolds still has a valid email (e-mail address removed) but refuses to return my inquiries.Any info about this thief is appreciated.
I am also looking for various books and CD's that I have discovered missing. All are marked Greg Carr on the inside cover or somewhere in the CD booklet. $5 reward for each CD and for each book. Will pay $200 for info regarding how they disappeared because I honestly don't know.
u8m854p98su072q3l8chiss3t0lcr0[email protected] is a post of mine about the liar and police agent Gordon Sauck. It has been censored by Google Groups.
Jonathon Gregory and Craig Wong are thieves and liars and smokers.They live at 344 E.Hastings St. They call and lie to Vancouver Police and the Landlord-Tenancy Branch.
Mike Poirier is HA and works at DPS at 817 Denman St. This company is such a bunch of liars that besides stealing from ppl they claim to be 100% Cdn owned on their signs when in fact they are owned by a rich man in Seattle. You anti-semitic types might like to know the man is a Jew. Poirier is a liar and perjurer and he attacks ppl for no reason and then calls Vancouver Police if he loses.
DPS 817 Denman St
V6G 2L7 Canada
(604) 681-8797
(604) 684-0329 Fax
(e-mail address removed)
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 3055
Vancouver, BC V6B 3X5 Canada
Mike Poirier – Regional Vice President of Operations
(e-mail address removed)
He lives in Burnaby. Caucasian 5"8 in platform shoes.
<a href="http://www.free-iqtest.net" title="Free IQ Test"><img src="http://www.free-iqtest.net/images/badges2/l122.gif" width="200" height="100" alt="Free IQ Test" border="0"></a><br>Free-IQTest.net - <a title="Free IQ Test" href="http://www.free-iqtest.net">Free IQ Test</a><img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="http://counters.gigya.com/wildfire/...3NzIxYzk4MTU*ZWVlOWFlZmNjMzFjMzIwZTM2Mg==.gif" />
This is just a line I typed to see if you would read it