I noticed that order of properties in generated dbLinQ entity classes is
When I bound DbLinq object to DataGridView DataSource, I got messed column
order table.
(When I bound dataset created from SELECT * command to DataGridView, I get
expected order of columns).
Probably column order in changed during generation process, no idea why.
1. Is it possible that in generated code property order is the same as
appear in SELECT * and CREATE TABLE commands ?
2. If I extend pgsqlmetal generated class with custom property "a_a" (see
code below), it appears as first property in table . Is it possible to force
it to appear as last property in table ?
[Table(Name = "Klient")]
public class Klient : Eetasoft.Eeva.Entity.Klient {
public Klient() : base() { }
public Klient(System.String a_a, System.String p_kood, System.String regnr )
base(p_kood, regnr) {
this._a_a = a_a;
protected string _a_a;
[Column(Name = "a_a", DbType = "character")]
public string A_a {
get { return _a_a; }
set { _a_a = value; _isModified_ = true; }
When I bound DbLinq object to DataGridView DataSource, I got messed column
order table.
(When I bound dataset created from SELECT * command to DataGridView, I get
expected order of columns).
Probably column order in changed during generation process, no idea why.
1. Is it possible that in generated code property order is the same as
appear in SELECT * and CREATE TABLE commands ?
2. If I extend pgsqlmetal generated class with custom property "a_a" (see
code below), it appears as first property in table . Is it possible to force
it to appear as last property in table ?
[Table(Name = "Klient")]
public class Klient : Eetasoft.Eeva.Entity.Klient {
public Klient() : base() { }
public Klient(System.String a_a, System.String p_kood, System.String regnr )
base(p_kood, regnr) {
this._a_a = a_a;
protected string _a_a;
[Column(Name = "a_a", DbType = "character")]
public string A_a {
get { return _a_a; }
set { _a_a = value; _isModified_ = true; }