Display related DbLinq object property in DataGridView



I have DbLinq-Sql class containing invoice headers.

Invoice header class definition contains customer id field _customer which
is related to customer table:

[Table(Name = "invoice")]
public partial class Invoice: IModified {

protected string _customer;
protected string _id;

[Column(Name = "id", DbType = "integer(32,0)", IsPrimaryKey = true,
IsDbGenerated = true)]
public int Id {
get { return _id; }
set { _id = value; IsModified = true; }

private EntityRef<Klient> _invoice_customer_fkey_customer;

public Customer invoice_customer_fkey_customer {
get { return this._invoice_customer_fkey_customer.Entity; }
set { this._invoice_customer_fkey_customer.Entity = value; }

I want to show invoice header data and customer name in .NET 2 WinForms

I need to set DataGridView column to display values from Invoice and
Customer entities,
the following properties from List<Invoice> Invoices:


Any idea how to create such DataGridView ?


Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]


You are going to have to flatten out that structure manually, either by
creating a new type/data table and then populating that, or you will have to
create some custom type descriptors which the data grid view will work with
to flatten the structure.

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