Options Menu



I can not get my Options menu tp appear. I click Tools/Options and nothing
happens. I had Excel reinstalled and still I cannot get the Options menu to
appear. I am running on Windows XP running Office 2003.

Does any one have a clue as to how I can get the Options menu to reappear?


Especially after a reinstall I have no idea why that one item would not be in
the menu.

One thing you might try is go to View>Toobars>Customize--Toolbars, click the
Worksheet Menu Bar name, then click Reset. If that doesn't fix it, go back to
the same dialog box, but the Commands page. Drarg the Tools Menu away from
the Menu Bar & let it go. From the left list select Built-In Menus and drag
Tools from the right list to the Menu Bar to replace the one that you removed.

Keep track of your results & post back if neither option works.

HTH |:>)

Jim Rech

I understand you to be saying that the Options menu is there but it just
doesn't work to show the Options dialog,

It might be a corrupted registry entry which you'd have to fix by running
the REGEDIT program from Start->Run (with Excel closed).

Navigate to this registry key:


and then select each of the 5 items in turn in the right pane that begin
with "Options" and rename them (like Options3 to Options3XX). F2 is a
shortcut for editing a name.

After all 5 are renamed start Excel and see if it helped.

|I can not get my Options menu tp appear. I click Tools/Options and nothing
| happens. I had Excel reinstalled and still I cannot get the Options menu
| appear. I am running on Windows XP running Office 2003.
| Does any one have a clue as to how I can get the Options menu to reappear?


Jim Rech said:
I understand you to be saying that the Options menu is there but it just
doesn't work to show the Options dialog,

It might be a corrupted registry entry which you'd have to fix by running
the REGEDIT program from Start->Run (with Excel closed).

Navigate to this registry key:


and then select each of the 5 items in turn in the right pane that begin
with "Options" and rename them (like Options3 to Options3XX). F2 is a
shortcut for editing a name.

After all 5 are renamed start Excel and see if it helped.

|I can not get my Options menu tp appear. I click Tools/Options and nothing
| happens. I had Excel reinstalled and still I cannot get the Options menu
| appear. I am running on Windows XP running Office 2003.
| Does any one have a clue as to how I can get the Options menu to reappear?

It Worked - Thanks much for your help!


I noticed that when Excel is open but I don't have a workbook open, under
TOOLS, OPTIONS is greyed out. Too simple?

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