Opening Multiple Files from Context Menu

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Opening Multiple files from Context Menu: Using Windows XP Home SP2, file
Explorer, whenever I select multiple files (e.g. .doc, .xls, .jpg, or
combinations, etc.), right click, and select the "open" command from the
Context menu, for each file, before opening, it displays the "move items"
dialog (which I cancel) and then a "copy items" dialog (which I cancel).
These extra actions do not occur when I open a single file from the context
menu. These extra actions do not occur when I select "preview" or any
command other than "open". This problem seems related to "shell.dll", open
command action settings, registry settings, or shell extension hooks. That
is as far as I could get in researching this problem. Please advise of any
open action settings, registry key changes, or shell extension hooks I should
change (using program ShellExView) to solve this problem. Thank you, Stymied

Did you add the Copy to / Move to options to the context-menu? If so, read

The Copy to and Move to Folder options weren't designed to be on the context
menu. For more information, see this page - by Raymond Chen, Microsoft.

Problem will be resolved once these context entries are removed. The entry
might be present here in the registry:

Type Regedit.exe in Start, Run. Navigate to:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ AllFilesystemObjects \ shellex \ ContextMenuHandlers

Delete these two items:

Alternately, you may disable these two items using ShellExView.

{C2FBB630-2971-11d1-A18C-00C04FD75D13} is Microsoft CopyTo Service
{C2FBB631-2971-11d1-A18C-00C04FD75D13} is Microsoft MoveTo Service
I can open multiple files by highlighting, right click, click open. A
co-worker can only open multiple files by highlighting, right click, click
open, then pressing the enter key. Two questions:

1. Why the difference?
2. When we open, each file opens in it's own window. How can we open
multiple files in the same window?

sberdeaux said:
I can open multiple files by highlighting, right click, click open. A
co-worker can only open multiple files by highlighting, right click, click
open, then pressing the enter key. Two questions:

1. Why the difference?

Are we talking about the same file types?
2. When we open, each file opens in it's own window. How can we open
multiple files in the same window?

The target of the "Open" operation would have to not only allow multiple
files open in one workspace, but to register that fact with Windows.
Usually I get multiple files into one work space through the application
Open dialog, or I drag the files into the application frame.
Same file types, Word. I've tried dragging into the application, and File,
Open, highlighting multiple files. Both open in separate windows. How do I
register open multiple files with Windows? I know Word can have multiple
files open in the same window.

sberdeaux said:
Same file types, Word. I've tried dragging into the application, and File,
Open, highlighting multiple files. Both open in separate windows. How do I
register open multiple files with Windows? I know Word can have multiple
files open in the same window.

<Since this is really not a theoretical file/app post, but really all
about Word, it would have been better to post to one of the MANY Word

Are they the same Word versions? Word 2000 did not support MDI (multiple
documetn interface). In later versions, you can toggle this from the
Options dialog, so you should check for the same settings here.

As for "register[ing] open multiple files" - that's the theoretical way
of looking at it - doesn't mean it's possible for any or all applications.

Does dragging multiple docs to an open version of Word (but not dragging
onto a document surface, as that's embedding in a doc) work? Or clicking
multiple files in Word's File Open dialog.