Opening a .swf file


Ed Y

How can I open a .swf file in Windows?? This is a XP Home SP2 system. If I'm
using IE7, it will open but if I use Explorer to try to open it, I get the
window that says Windows can't open it and wants me to either go to the WEB
to find something or search my PC. I do have Macromedia Flash installed (the
latest version) but that's not listed in any options.



in message
How can I open a .swf file in Windows?? This is a XP Home SP2
system. If I'm using IE7, it will open but if I use Explorer to try
to open it, I get the window that says Windows can't open it and
wants me to either go to the WEB to find something or search my PC.
I do have Macromedia Flash installed (the latest version) but that's
not listed in any options.

The browser, with the Flash ActiveX control, knows how to run the
script within the .swf which points to whatever was the content back
on some host (i.e., it is a pointer file to the source for the
content). Explorer doesn't know how to run that script. You weren't
allowed to steal the site's content. They streamed the content to
you. They didn't give you a copy of it.


The only way to open a .swf file is with Internet Explorer unless you can get a stand alone Flash player.

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