Only allow cell content if it lready exists

  • Thread starter Brian Bermingham
  • Start date

Brian Bermingham


Excel 2007
I have 2 sheets, sheet 1 has a list of names, sheet 2 has a list with
multiple entries of the same names.
Is there a way to ensure that only names contained in Sheet 1 can be entered
in sheet 2?



Luke M

Select the cells on Sheet1 that contain your names. Go to Insert - Name -
Define. Give this range a name (MyRange), click Add. Now, when you go to Data
Validation on Sheet2, Select list, and then input

Shane Devenshire


Not only can you use data validation from a different sheet, you can even
use it based on a range in another workbook. The key in both cases is you
must name the range. Luke has described the method in 2003, in 2007 it is
Formulas, Define Name...

However, the fastest way to name a single range is to select it and type the
name into the Name Box on the left hand side of the Formula Bar and then
press Enter.

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