Andre U
I just installed an additional 2 Gig of memory in my Vista machine.
Before, I had 2 Gig and now Vista only reports 3 Gig ? I swapped the modules
around, and still only get 3 Gig
The bios correctly reports 4096 MB but Vista only 3071 MB
I did a Memory Diag, and Vista reported no memory errors.
How do I address this issue ?
Seriously considering tossing Vista out and going back to XP, the system is
slow. What a waste of money....
Vista Home Premium
Athlon 64 X2 5200+ CPU
MSI K9N SLI Platinum mobo
4 x 1 Gig OCS DDR2, PC 6400 800 MHz memory sticks
Before, I had 2 Gig and now Vista only reports 3 Gig ? I swapped the modules
around, and still only get 3 Gig
The bios correctly reports 4096 MB but Vista only 3071 MB
I did a Memory Diag, and Vista reported no memory errors.
How do I address this issue ?
Seriously considering tossing Vista out and going back to XP, the system is
slow. What a waste of money....
Vista Home Premium
Athlon 64 X2 5200+ CPU
MSI K9N SLI Platinum mobo
4 x 1 Gig OCS DDR2, PC 6400 800 MHz memory sticks