Only 1 of 2 speakers plays



Hello! Just last night both of my speakers were working fine. Now, only one of the two speakers plays. I have already checked the wires, control panel --> audio, and pretty much everything I can think of, and I'm still puzzled. Whats even stranger is that the main speaker (one that is in charge of adjusting the volume) is the one that does not play, yet when I adjust the volume, the other speaker (the one that works) follows the command. I'm truely puzzled and need help.

Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!


is the balance even in volume controls?
Femme_Fatale said:
Hello! Just last night both of my speakers were working fine. Now, only
one of the two speakers plays. I have already checked the wires, control
panel --> audio, and pretty much everything I can think of, and I'm still
puzzled. Whats even stranger is that the main speaker (one that is in
charge of adjusting the volume) is the one that does not play, yet when I
adjust the volume, the other speaker (the one that works) follows the
command. I'm truely puzzled and need help.


hmm.....try this - with something playing try to insert and kinda twiddle
the connector to the pc. i think it happened to me once. it was the
connector that was kinda screwy and i had to adjust it as it. see if that
works....maybe that might not be the problem at all. if i think of anything
else, i will post it.


Silly suggestion, but anyway: did you plug the speakers connector till the
If your CDROM drive has an audio jack, you can check the speakers plugging
them in it or in any other audio device such as a walkman or MP3 player. If
you have the headphones you can check the computer, indeed.


Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately it doesn't work :
----- Maximus wrote: ----

hmm.....try this - with something playing try to insert and kinda twiddl
the connector to the pc. i think it happened to me once. it was th
connector that was kinda screwy and i had to adjust it as it. see if tha
works....maybe that might not be the problem at all. if i think of anythin
else, i will post it


Yes. Everythings connected fully and properly. :/ AAH! its just so frustrating

----- anonymouse wrote: ----

Did you check the wire leading to the speaker that wasn't


Yep, as far as I can tell, everythings plugged fully and properly

----- Jetro wrote: ----

Silly suggestion, but anyway: did you plug the speakers connector till th
If your CDROM drive has an audio jack, you can check the speakers pluggin
them in it or in any other audio device such as a walkman or MP3 player. I
you have the headphones you can check the computer, indeed


Thanks to everyone for leaving advice and giving suggestions! :

Speakers are harmon/kardon + subwofers that came with my dell. Speakers are connected to wofer, wofers' connected to the pc. The speakers main slots have 2 plugs--> square and triangle. The triangle plays in any direction you stick it (the triangular plug) in (in, being the slot). However, the square only plays in 3 rotations (or directions) and not the fourth. If I stick the square plug into the square slot in the 4th rotation it cancels out all sounds, eliminating even the speaker that works.

Ideas anyone?

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