Online Exams



We People are creating Online Exams Module just like any other site.We have stored Question and answers in Database.

My problem is that Questions and answers can be as long as they can be.

What controls(server side)i must use that they can resize themself according to the length of the questions and answers and must not leave unnecessary space on the control and not any text of the question and answer must be cut.

still i am using Label.but i have set their width..But they leave space when Length of the question and answers are less.So it does not seem good..I am afraid if question are several lines long..then how label adjust itself.....

Not only this but label(server side) shows border all round itself..

Please Guide Me!.

Alexey Smirnov

We People are creating Online Exams Module just like any other site.We have stored Question and answers in Database.

My problem is that Questions and answers can be as long as they can be.

What controls(server side)i must use that they can resize themself according to the length of the questions and answers and must not leave unnecessary space on the control and not any text of the question and answer must be cut.

still i am using Label.but i have set their width..But they leave space when Length of the question and answers are less.So it does not seem good..I am afraid if question are several lines long..then how label adjust itself.....

remove the width value and then the label should be automatically

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