OLE Registration



I purchased Visual Studio Tools(2003) mainly for the Developer Extentions so
I could package my Access DB's. I have now finally have had a need to give
them a try.

What I am running into is in the "Startup Wizard". When I check the
"Startup" and the other "Checking" features( VBA etc.) I get the "on-click"
OLE registration error. The message doesn't identify the OCX/OLE name and I
know there is a way to register the OLE's at the command prompt but have
forgotten how.

I can access the startup options via the wizard, but, as soon as I return to
the wizard is when I get the "on-click" OLE registration error.

The Find VBA....., Find expressions.... and Find potiential missing...all
generate the "error" as soon as I click.

BTW, I have compiled the app in Access and have no problem making an MDE or
using the "Startup" options in ACCESS, but, I would sure like to use the
wizard at deployment time rather than always having to use the "bypass"
option for starting the application from the access window to make
modifications during development.

I was thinking someone here would know what OLE's were being called and
where they were located. What I am really looking for is the "command line"
(at the Run prompt ) for registering the OLE(s) and the names/paths that
would be needed.

Like I said, I can't remember the command to register OLE or the file names
and paths to use.

I have posted in the VSTO forum(s) only to be told this is an ACCESS issue.

Could/would anyone give me a hand?

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