Old style 5.5 mailbox folder server side scripting



We are an Exchange 5.5 shop going to Windows/Exchange 2003, skipping Windows/Exchange 2000. From research, it looks like the Events Root server side scripting that can be done on 5.5 for any folder in a mailbox or public folder could also be done on 2000. Doesn't look like that in 2003 so I am looking for a little help
What we have is a mailbox with a script on its inbox. This script watches for incoming messages, checks them to see if they have two attachments with specific filename extensions on them. If so, it saves these attachments to a folder on another server, sets the message as having been read, and exits and waits for the next message. If no attachments, wrong number of attachments, or the wrong extension names, message is just skipped
On one more mailbox, it has a script that deletes messages in the Sent Items folder because the application that uses this mailbox puts them there and doesn't clean up afterwards
Any help/clues/hints/scripts?

Sue Mosher [MVP]

The direct replacement would be an Exchange event sink. Docs start at
http://msdn.microsoft.com/exchange/, discussions in the
microsoft.public.exchange.applications group.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

TimCross said:
We are an Exchange 5.5 shop going to Windows/Exchange 2003, skipping
Windows/Exchange 2000. From research, it looks like the Events Root server
side scripting that can be done on 5.5 for any folder in a mailbox or public
folder could also be done on 2000. Doesn't look like that in 2003 so I am
looking for a little help.
What we have is a mailbox with a script on its inbox. This script watches
for incoming messages, checks them to see if they have two attachments with
specific filename extensions on them. If so, it saves these attachments to
a folder on another server, sets the message as having been read, and exits
and waits for the next message. If no attachments, wrong number of
attachments, or the wrong extension names, message is just skipped.
On one more mailbox, it has a script that deletes messages in the Sent
Items folder because the application that uses this mailbox puts them there
and doesn't clean up afterwards.

Sue Mosher [MVP]

There's no little new in Outlook 2003 for programmers that it doesn't
warrant a book rewrite. My current book covers it just fine.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

TimCross said:
Thanks. I visit your site and have a couple of your books, too. Are you
releasing anything related to the newest Exchange and Outlook?


And, if that is the one that shows in your signature here, I have that one but haven't had much time to go through it yet. Just to push me there faster, does it include event sink stuff like what I am trying to do?

Sue Mosher [MVP]

Point Outlook Express or other newsreader at the msnews.microsoft.com server
to get all Microsoft newsgroups in a way that's more efficient than the web

Sue Mosher [MVP]

No, it's an Outlook programming book, not an Exchange programming book.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

TimCross said:
And, if that is the one that shows in your signature here, I have that one
but haven't had much time to go through it yet. Just to push me there
faster, does it include event sink stuff like what I am trying to do?

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