off topic: graduate degree or certification?

  • Thread starter Greg Ewing [MVP]
  • Start date

Greg Ewing [MVP]

VM, I definitely think the degree is worth it. Besides the fact that a
Masters in Comp Engineering is impressive to employers, it makes you more
valuable if you decide not to be a programmer. What's to stop you from
taking the MS/Oracle/Java certification exams too anyway?


I was looking for an MS NG where I could post this question but
couldn't find any, so here goes.

What's more valuable to companies, a Master of Comp. Engineering
degree or a company certification (Oracle, MS, etc..) ? I'm a Computer
Engineering graduate student (w/ a BS in Computer Science) and I was
looking for salary information and where the hot jobs are, and with
every search I execute, I kept getting pages on how MS certifications
are paying $70,000+. That's when I asked myself if an ME degree is
worth all the money I'm paying for it. At the end, my degree will
have cost me $15,000. Will the $15,000 be worth it? I think it will,
but I'd like to see what you guys think.

Over a lifetime, the ME will pay for itself many, many times over. An
MS Cert will be meaningless in five years. In 30 years, you'll still
find yourself getting promoted over others because you have an advanced

Perhaps more importantly, the actual education part will likely serve
you well, also.


I was looking for an MS NG where I could post this question but couldn't
find any, so here goes.

What's more valuable to companies, a Master of Comp. Engineering degree or a
company certification (Oracle, MS, etc..) ? I'm a Computer Engineering
graduate student (w/ a BS in Computer Science) and I was looking for salary
information and where the hot jobs are, and with every search I execute, I
kept getting pages on how MS certifications are paying $70,000+. That's
when I asked myself if an ME degree is worth all the money I'm paying for
it. At the end, my degree will have cost me $15,000. Will the $15,000 be
worth it?
I think it will, but I'd like to see what you guys think.


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