oe6 receives pop3, o2k will not



I've setup oe6 on win2k to send and receive mail from my company, everything
works fine. On the same PC, I've setup o2k and I can send mail, but I get
this error when I try to receive mail: Unable to logon to the server using
Distributed Passwork Authentication. Server response -ERR The AUTH protocol
exchange was canceled by the client. Error: 0x800ccc18. The SPA is
checked in both oe6 and o2k. Again, oe6 works fine and I can send mail in
o2k but I get the error trying to receive mail in o2k. Any clues?

F.H. Muffman

rickster said:
I've setup oe6 on win2k to send and receive mail from my company,
works fine. On the same PC, I've setup o2k and I can send mail, but I get
this error when I try to receive mail: Unable to logon to the server
Distributed Passwork Authentication. Server response -ERR The AUTH
exchange was canceled by the client. Error: 0x800ccc18. The SPA is
checked in both oe6 and o2k. Again, oe6 works fine and I can send mail in
o2k but I get the error trying to receive mail in o2k. Any clues?

What happens if you uncheck Use SPA?


I get the error message that says the user name is rejected and the server
response: -ERR clear text passwords have been disabled for this protocol
Error number 0x800ccc91. The SPA is checked and works in oe6.

F.H. Muffman

rickster said:
I get the error message that says the user name is rejected and the
server response: -ERR clear text passwords have been disabled for
this protocol Error number 0x800ccc91. The SPA is checked and works
in oe6.

Is your mail administrator able to look at the conversation and anything on
the server to see what is being sent from Outlook? What kind of mail server
is it?

Is this a domain account you're trying to use? Is it the same domain as
you're logged in as?

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