ODBC missing for Access on 64 bit Vista Ultimate



Can anyone help me how to get an odbc driver for MSaccess 2003 for Vista
Ultimate 64 bit. For som reason the odbc driver has dissapeared. I have tryed
to remove my Visual Studio 2005, and reinstaled Ms Office pro 2003. No
result. I have understand, that the ODBC driver was installed with Vista, but
clean I dont want, if possible, to do a clean new vista install.

Are there any help to find out there?


Hi Cindy

Thanks for the answer. The problem is, that the driver for msaccess does not
exist. The only driver there is available in the ODBC Administrator is the
SQL driver.

I can see, that the driver has been there (?),when I open the ODBC
administrator and 'User DSN', I can select the MSACCESS driver, but when I
try to config the driver, it tels me, that I have to install the driver
again. How do I do that.

Cindy Winegarden

I can see, that the driver has been there (?),when I open the ODBC
administrator and 'User DSN', I can select the MSACCESS driver, but when
try to config the driver, it tels me, that I have to install the driver
again. How do I do that.

I'm sorry, I don't have a 64-bit machine to test with. Maybe someone else
will chime in.

Cindy Winegarden
(e-mail address removed)

VFP OLE DB: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/vfoxpro/bb190232.aspx
VFP ODBC: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/vfoxpro/bb190233.aspx



a have the same problem. first i thought that the problem contains in errors
after installation, but i installed everything office (+web components),
visual studio, oracle... but no odbc-driver appears in the console! i
installed 32bit-vista business and the drivers already appear. it's 64bit
problem. all the odbc-32-dll's are available in the system32-path but i
cannot use them. Reinstalling MDAC2.8 SP1 causes, that the destination of
setup-files appear but no setup opens...?

please note a fix for this problem. i DO NOT wanna use 32bit on 64bit
hardware :(


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