ODBC link to SQL Server



When linking certain tables to SQL Server programmatically via the VBA
command DoCmd.TransferDatabase, the tables link correctly. However on linking
the user is prompted to "Select a Unique Record Identifier" to ensure data
integrity. The table fields are provided. Is there a way to automate this ie
provide the required information as part of the DoCmd.TransferDatabase

Van T. Dinh

Do you have a PrimaryKey defined on the SQL Server Table?

I tested the TransferDatabase code in Access 2003 to an SQL Table with PK
(and TimeStamp Field which is recommende if you link the Table to Access)
and Access linked thee Table correctly without asking me to select a Unique
Record Identifier.

Van T. Dinh

Sorry if it is a bit hard to read ... I think I need to replace my sticky
keyboard or my fingers or my brain ... or all three?

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