numerous ntvdm.exe running



I hope someone can help me. Yesterday I noticed numerous ntvdm.exe processes
were running. I understand that for each of these there is a 16 bit process
executing somewhere. The problem is that there aren't any listed in my
Applications list in Task Manager. About every 5 seconds, 4 or 5 more
ntvdm.exe's begin. I have seen up to 300 of these running. I can't do
anything else due to all of the resources being used by these executibles.
Can anyone help me figure out why this is happening?? I have also noticed the
virus lssas.exe has found it's way into my computer. Is this problem and the
virus related??


Probably some kind of malware (adware, spyware, virus or Trojan). First

Physically disconnect from the Internet. This prevents worms from
installing themselves while you are connected.
Turn off System Restore. Many kinds of malware make backup copies in System
Restart in Safe Mode and run virus and Adware scans. Starting in Safe mode
prevents malware from running, so you can get rid of it.
Restart normally, and enable a firewall. Windows XP has one built in.
After you have enabled a firewall, you can safely reconnect to the Internet.
If you haven't already done so, update all the software on your computer.
Pay special attention to video drivers and Windows Updates. Make sure your
virus and spyware protection are up to date as well.

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