Numbering Pages on Different Worksheets


Rita Palazzi

Windows XP Professional
Office 2000

I have 5 different worksheets in the same workbook that, when printed,
make up a single report. The first worksheet is 3 pages, second
worksheet is 2 pages, and so on such that the entire report is 15 pages
long. Is there a way in which I can number the footer of each worksheet
so that the first worksheet will show "Page 1 of 15", "Page 2 of 15",
"Page 3 of 15" when printed. Then the second worksheet will be "Page 4
of 15" and "Page 5 of 15" and so on...

Thanks in advance for any help!

Rita Palazzi
Senior Engineer / GTS Int'l MIS
FedEx Express

Myrna Larson

Assuming the various sheets always require the same number of pages per sheet,
this information from the MS Knowledge base should solve the problem. It
involves setting up a custom header or footer.

Using your examples, the header/footer for Sheet2 would use &P+3, for Sheet3,
&P+5, etc. I think you'll need to insert the " of 15" as literal text.

"XL: Setting Starting Page Number in Header/Footer
View products that this article applies to.
This article was previously published under Q48198
The starting page number for a Microsoft Excel document can be changed by
clicking the Page Setup command. Using the following commands in the header or
footer prints a starting page number other than 1. Command

&P+## Substitute a number for the number signs (#) to
increment the page numbers by that amount.

&P-## Substitute a number for the number signs (#) to
decrement the page numbers by that amount.

For example, to start page numbering at page 3, type the following in the
header or footer section of the Page Setup dialog box: "&P+2 " (without the
quotation marks)

NOTE: You must type a space after the 2 in this example"

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