nth value in an array formula



I currently have an array formula that reads

What this does is that it checks through my milestone dates and sees if they
are equal to the next Group Meeting date ($D$31) - if they are, the formula
returns the associated Task. The problem is I only know how to use this to
show the first such result. What I want to be able to do is return, for
example, all five tasks with this milestone date, on separate rows. The tasks
are all text values unfortunately, which means I can't use BIG or SMALL
unfortunately. Any ideas?


Thanks - that did help indeed, but as soon as I got it to work another
question popped up: now I want to do the same with multiple criteria. I
assumed that it wouldn't be harder than using:


But that returns nothing. How would I go about setting it up so that the
date it checks is between two values, or bring in another criteria to bear?


Never mind - I think I got it, by using multiplication instead of an AND
formula. Thanks!

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