NotifyIcon Balloon Tip Timeout


Jon Berry

Visual Studio 2005, C#

notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(10, "Test", "Test", ToolTipIcon.Info);

I've tried all sorts of timeout values, but the balloon tip always shows for
30 seconds.

Is this a bug?

Jeroen Mostert

Jon said:
Visual Studio 2005, C#

notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(10, "Test", "Test", ToolTipIcon.Info);

I've tried all sorts of timeout values, but the balloon tip always shows for
30 seconds.

Is this a bug?
"Minimum and maximum timeout values are enforced by the operating system and
are typically 10 and 30 seconds, respectively, however this can vary
depending on the operating system. Timeout values that are too large or too
small are adjusted to the appropriate minimum or maximum value. In addition,
if the user does not appear to be using the computer (no keyboard or mouse
events are occurring) then the system does not count this time towards the

So I'd guess the answer is no, this can be normal behavior. Also note that
the time is in *milliseconds*, so the value in the code above is almost
certainly wrong.

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