Not Enough Disc Space error after installing SP2



I just installed SP2, and Im trying to transfer a 4.5 gig
DVD iso from my main HD to my external USB HD. The
external HD has 60 gigs free, but when I try to copy the
iso to it, I get a "Not Enough Disc Space" error...I
never had a problem copying large files to it before SP2.
Also, its appears that I cannot delete executalbe files
(.exe) that are in the root folder without ending
explorer and using the command prompt to delete it. Is
this a security feature of SP2 or is this something else
thats preventing me from a) moving a large file to
another drive and b) deleting executables from my root
directory (c:\)


Is your External USB HD formatted FAT32.

You do know that FAT32 does not support files larger then 4gig.

Alex Nichol

I just installed SP2, and Im trying to transfer a 4.5 gig
DVD iso from my main HD to my external USB HD. The
external HD has 60 gigs free, but when I try to copy the
iso to it, I get a "Not Enough Disc Space" error...I
never had a problem copying large files to it before SP2.

SP2 leaves quite a lot of extra files on the disk. Provided it is
otherwise working, and you do not expect to want to uninstall, do the

In Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - System Restore
make sure by looking in 'restore to former time' that there is a point
made *since* the installation. If not, make one. Then in
Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Cleanup
use the More Option page bottom button to delete all but that most
recent point.

In C:\Windows look for the hidden folder of files that would be used in
an uninstall, $NTServicePackUninstall, and delete it

If the disk is NTFS, right click on
Take properties, click Advanced and compress the folder (which will
reduce its size by around 200MB)

Look for a folder with a name that is a long string of random characters
- it will contain an i386 folder; the SP2 was unpacked into that and
*may* not have tidied it up. Delete that if found

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