Norton ghost 10


Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)

Your 1988 PC was not, is not expected to give you a 3D view of hunting down
and killing terrorists as in Delta Force 3.. to get anything out of DOS, the
user has to remember long command strings or remember on which piece of
paper the appropriate command has been noted.. it is incapable of WYSIWYG,
use of scalable fonts.. had somebody suggested "burning DVD's" way back
then, the first question coming to mind might be "Isn't that a little

I will agree that reliability is not exactly at the core of modern day
products, but unfortunately, we all want hi-tech stuff at low-tech prices..


What an assertion!
What reality basis do you make that Joe Average statement?

And, your opposite opinion makes you speaker for the masses against Symantec

You have NO real basis for your Joe Average statement, its all based on YOUR
opinion/perspective/viewpoint. "Where's the beef?"

Ghost 10.0 is the subject BTW, not Symantec in general. Specifics and stick
to the subject at hand. If you don't believe me check the little box that
says "Subject" in your Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2670 newsreader.

If you don't know the answer to the interrogative by the OP, keeping quiet
and reading pertinent replies may help you and the OP. My suspicions are
there of few things, waiting for more info that some may bleed and milk from
the OP. I'm not an MVP, so I don't throw my best guess at something I don't


What's the difference between DriveImage 7, Ghost 9, and Ghost 10?

I don't know, am using DI 7.03. The "3" part came from Symantec's website
as an update. PQ did a "01" update before they folded. The interim "02"
was lost somewhere for me. Images and restores fine, XP SP2 here, with .NET
update installed as well. Am fasicinated when someone says Ghost 9 is a
problem. Now, one with Ghost 10 from the OP


No. Your viewpoint is twisted. The referral is hardware components. Not
capabilities of the overall system. Yesterdays' hardware ala 1988 wasn't
DESIGNED to operate in the todays' higher speed requirements, nor was it
Yes, apples and oranges comparison. But the statement is nonetheless
correct, and food for thought like planned obsolescence. AKA Microsoft and
bedfellows driven.

David H. Lipman

From: "Jonny" <[email protected]>

| What's the difference between DriveImage 7, Ghost 9, and Ghost 10?
| I don't know, am using DI 7.03. The "3" part came from Symantec's website
| as an update. PQ did a "01" update before they folded. The interim "02"
| was lost somewhere for me. Images and restores fine, XP SP2 here, with .NET
| update installed as well. Am fasicinated when someone says Ghost 9 is a
| problem. Now, one with Ghost 10 from the OP

I don't know besides the Symantec branding.

I use the Enterprse 7 ~ 8 and Ghost 2003.

There have ben many who have reported problems with Ghost 9 in the Symantec Bews Groups.
Maybe that's why there was a Ghost 10 released relatively quickly.


Your 1988 PC was not, is not expected to give you a 3D view of hunting down
and killing terrorists as in Delta Force 3.. to get anything out of DOS, the

I didn't expect to kill terrorists as in Delta Force 3 but to use Dos
programs which were available at that time. I don't think I knew
anything about 3D in those days as far as computers were concerned!
user has to remember long command strings or remember on which piece of
paper the appropriate command has been noted.. it is incapable of WYSIWYG,
use of scalable fonts.. had somebody suggested "burning DVD's" way back

We managed to do all those things. We had more time because patching
the OS and other office products wasn't a issue. The products were
relatively stable and worked straight from the box!

The term WYSIWYG was in fact invented by Lotus 1-2-3 and version 2.4 and
3.4 had WYSIWYG. You may not remember but DOS 6.22 became very popular
because of WordPerfect and Lotus 1-2-3 otherwise it was as good as a
dead duck! There were very few application packagaes in those days and
machines costed about £2,500 (note GBP 2,500) and no one spent all that
money to play a game of Delta 3! Perhaps Microsoft is where it is today
thanks partly to WordPerfect and Lotus otherwise no one would have
bought DOS.

I assume you skipped that generation?

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


Joe Average does not use his computer in a managed environment.. he has no
system admin or intranet to protect him.. he is at the mercy of anybody and
everybody.. he buys Symantec/Norton products because the claims are that
they will protect him.. their record is not brilliant, and I personally
believe that Symantec/Norton are letting Joe down.. Joe is the victim here,
not the cause.. my sympathies are with Joe and all of the other home users
that I support daily.. that is apart from what I come across in these

Whether using an imaging program or anything else, the premise is that the
product will do all that it claims and without fuss.. this is not always the
case with Symantec/Norton products.. so, to give the best service that I can
to those who I support, I give alternatives to Symantec/Norton products..

I am not the speaker for the masses, but I would be doing a dis-service to
those I support if I was to recommend products in which I have no faith..
this is not all due to a few posts here.. my 'view' comes from supporting
corporate and home users over a period of years..

I have summarily dismissed your other remarks in much the same spirit as you
made them..

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


Please supply a list of products that don't have built-in obsolescence.. why
should computer manufacturers and software authors be any different to
anybody else?..

Hardware is stretched to the limits these days in a bid to give customers
what they want and expect, and all done to a price that is competitive with
all other manufacturers, and that the customer is prepared to pay.. one gets
what one pays for in this life..

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