Norton Disk Doctor



I had a Zip drive installed on my computer. (I know very little about the multidinous aspects of Windows.) I use Norton Utilities for maintenance. I programmed Norton Disk Doctor to scan my computer upon start up. But, something is not right. Here are the messages I get when the utility starts:

The volume you wish to optimize is a non-NTFS volume. You should run Norton Disk Doctor on non-NTFS volumes before optimizing. Click ok to optimize the selected vollume. Click Launch to run Norton Disk Doctor.

Is there something that should have been done when the Zip was installed???

Kaylene aka Taurarian

Most problems with Nortons can be found by searching the knowledge base
Error: "The Volume you are trying to optimize is a non-NTFS Volume Please run
Disk Doctor" when starting Speed Disk
Sorry the TinyURL page not working at the moment.

lafroggue said:
I had a Zip drive installed on my computer. (I know very little about the
multidinous aspects of Windows.) I use Norton Utilities for maintenance. I
programmed Norton Disk Doctor to scan my computer upon start up. But, something
is not right. Here are the messages I get when the utility starts:
The volume you wish to optimize is a non-NTFS volume. You should run Norton
Disk Doctor on non-NTFS volumes before optimizing. Click ok to optimize the
selected vollume. Click Launch to run Norton Disk Doctor.


lafroggue said:
I had a Zip drive installed on my computer. (I know very little about the multidinous aspects of Windows.) I use Norton Utilities for maintenance. I programmed Norton Disk Doctor to scan my computer upon start up. But, something is not right. Here are the messages I get when the utility starts:

The volume you wish to optimize is a non-NTFS volume. You should run Norton Disk Doctor on non-NTFS volumes before optimizing. Click ok to optimize the selected vollume. Click Launch to run Norton Disk Doctor.

Is there something that should have been done when the Zip was installed???

Do not advise scanning a ZIP disk with Norton Disk
Doctor or even Scandisk. ZIP disks uses its own file
allocation structure. If ZIP tools are available from
Iomega, they should be used.

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