No Web Site Appears in Internet Explorer



Hi,i have Win XP SP2 Professional.After i had a virus installed in my
computer some settings must have changed.

The problem is that when i try to open IE or Outlook,nothing is being
downloaded.I know that my internet connection is running properly but sth
might be wrong in the registry or IIS Services.

What is strange is that i have a peer to peer program that downloads data
from the port 6378
So the problem is with ports 80 and 100.How can i fix them?

Because i don't want to format(---Please Help me!!!---),could you suggest me

Steve Winograd

Hi,i have Win XP SP2 Professional.After i had a virus installed in my
computer some settings must have changed.

The problem is that when i try to open IE or Outlook,nothing is being
downloaded.I know that my internet connection is running properly but sth
might be wrong in the registry or IIS Services.

What is strange is that i have a peer to peer program that downloads data
from the port 6378
So the problem is with ports 80 and 100.How can i fix them?

Because i don't want to format(---Please Help me!!!---),could you suggest me

If you haven't already done so, remove the virus.

Then, use one or more of these methods to repair Winsock (TCP/IP):

1. Reset Winsock

a. Open a command prompt window (Start > Run > cmd)
b. Enter the command "netsh winsock reset".
c. Reboot.

2. Repair Winsock Settings

a. Using another computer, download these programs:
Winsock XP Fix
b. Copy the programs to your computer and run them.
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

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