No Sound or Sound Device



After installing the latest Windows update, I lost all sound on my HP PC and
the system was not able to detect any sound device although codecs and all
are showoing as working normally. I thought this was an isolated case but
yesterday, my husband lost his sound and no sound device was detected on his
Sony laptop. To make it even more interesting, I was chatting with my sister
this morning and she has suddenly lost sound on her Dell. Has anyone else
experienced anything like this? We have all run all spyware applications,
virus scans, etc. and the only common link seems to be the Windows update.
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

typical computer geek

check your device manager and see if the driver is installed and the device
working properly. Perhaps a new driver was installed that is non functional
with your system.

right click on my computer/properties/hardware/device manager. double click
on sound, video and game controllers....then click on the audio drivers and
integrated audio devices. It will tell you if it is not working.

also check and see if any of the devices have a question mark beside them.
if so, there is a problem with the device and it needs to be reinstalled
with proper drivers


Deb said:
After installing the latest Windows update, I lost all sound on my HP PC and
the system was not able to detect any sound device although codecs and all
are showoing as working normally. I thought this was an isolated case but
yesterday, my husband lost his sound and no sound device was detected on his
Sony laptop. To make it even more interesting, I was chatting with my sister
this morning and she has suddenly lost sound on her Dell. Has anyone else
experienced anything like this? We have all run all spyware applications,
virus scans, etc. and the only common link seems to be the Windows update.
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

If you think it was due to windows update, what update was installed?
Go into Add/Remove programs and remove that update to troubleshoot it.


I have the same problem, and I decided to use system restore to the earliest
system checkpoint. The sound returned. This may be latest update of the
driver of sound card (Hardware). The device maneger can't detect my sound

typical computer geek

if you delete it from the device manager then run the hardware wizard, it
should find it. You just have to make sure you have the right driver ready
to install..


Deb said:
After installing the latest Windows update, I lost all sound on my HP PC and
the system was not able to detect any sound device although codecs and all
are showoing as working normally. I thought this was an isolated case but
yesterday, my husband lost his sound and no sound device was detected on his
Sony laptop. To make it even more interesting, I was chatting with my sister
this morning and she has suddenly lost sound on her Dell. Has anyone else
experienced anything like this? We have all run all spyware applications,
virus scans, etc. and the only common link seems to be the Windows update.
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.


I have ran into this problem on several different machines, I also thought it
was strange that 4 or 5 machine all of a sudden lost there sound cards. I
just simply uninstall the sound card and reinstall it using the drivers that
windows finds and they worked.


Thanks all for suggestions. As the device manager cannot find any sound
device, I cannot uninstall and reinstall it. I tried to use Norton GoBack
but now that only shows Monday, January 9 as the earliest "restore" point and
since the problem started on Saturday, that's of no help. I thought about
reinstalling XP, just to see if that would reactivate the plug and play and
maybe then the sound device(s) could be found. Or, perhaps, it's just a
"simple" matter that my sound card has died!

If anyone has any other suggestions, I'll be glad to hear them. If not,
I'll let you all know what (if anything) fixes the problem.

Thanks again for your assistance!

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