New account for Live Mail fails


PA Bear [MS MVP]

..."You have successfully entered in the information required to set
up your account."

Yes, to set up an already extant (e-mail address removed) account in Windows Live Mail.
... "The sign in name you entered doesn't exist or your password
is incorrect."

Yes, because you didn't create the account at or through MSN/Quest.

Just like you can't just make up a valid Social Security number, you can't
just make up a valid email address, Bob.

If you can't access the (e-mail address removed) account at,
you won't be able to use or access it in Windows Live Mail.

N. Miller

Unfortunately the 'English' used in the "Add account" wizard suggests
that one can be created/added in this way.

Does it? My Wizard is showing:

"Please enter your e-mail account information below:".

Doesn't seem to imply anything, other than that you have to have information
to enter. It has an example, which should be taken as generic:

"(e-mail address removed)".

It also has a "Get a free e-mail account", which appears as a link. And,
when clicked, takes you to the web site where you can sign up for a new

Might be confusing to somebody who is not a native speaker of the language;
sort of like what I faced when setting up a Yahoo! Japan web mail account. I
am not a native speaker of Japanese.


Ron Sommer said:
You do not create email accounts (addresses) in WLM.
You create the address with your ISP and add the account to WLM.
The account has to already exist with your ISP. When you add the account to
WLM, it will attempt to send and receive email from that account.

Thank you. This explains what I didn't understand.


I am going to be away from my computer for a week or so, so I want to thank
everyone who has offered their help.


One doesn't visit or use the same to view/send/retrieve email.

Spelling it out properly even for those 'spelling' it out may also apply..

N. Miller

Or someone who is unfamiliar with internet speak?

Not sure what part of "enter an email address" implies that you can create
an email account, as opposed needing to have a functional email account. Of
course, Windows Live Mail isn't the only such application which has that
instruction. All of the email applications I've used make that statement.


Pack up your computer and send it back, your too stupid to own one.
you can't seem to follow simple instructions, either this is a joke, or a
troll, looking to stir

chopperbobby said:
sgopus said:
Step one, stop trying to create an e-mail account on your home pc. this is
not the way to do it.
Step two if you want an MSN account, visit and create it.
Step three. when you want to retreive e-mail visit sign on to
your account
and retreive/read/delete your e-mail.

My Microsoft Live Mail e-mail address is (e-mail address removed). I
retrieve/read/delete my e-mail by directly accessing WML, not
I can hardly believe that in this day and age, one needs this spelled out so
detailed, but
so be it.

Thank you.
chopperbobby said:
The new e-mail address I tried to create was a brand new name. It was the
(e-mail address removed).


I have been trying to open an e-mail account for my wife in Windows Live
Mail. I clicked on "Accounts" > "Mail" > "Add". "Add an e-mail account".
then entered my wife's e-mail name, and since I didn't get an error
I'm assuming that the name was available.

Is the new mail account a Hotmail account (e.g., (e-mail address removed)) or an
ISP account (e.g., (e-mail address removed))?

Did you attempt to create a brand-new (literally) account in WLMail by
selecting an "e-mail name" (e.g., MrsCB) and adding to it
(e.g., (e-mail address removed))? If so, that's not how it works.


...I can not find the cross post that is
referred to. Maybe the forest is hiding the trees?

Crossposting means that replies to this thread are available (seen) in WinXP
General newsgroup as well as Windows Live Mail (Desktop) newsgroup, Bob. As
long as you continue the crossposting in your replies, all will be well.
~PA Bear

chopperbobby wrote:
Yes, I did. It was a very slow loading Live Mail that gave the impression
that my computer was 'frozen' at that point.
It was Qwest that was at fault.
Now, back to my present problem. I can not find the cross post that is
referred to. Maybe the forest is hiding the trees?

[X-post to WLMail NG]

Wait a minute, did you ever resolve your earlier WLMail issues? =>
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
AumHa VSOP & Admin

chopperbobby wrote:
I have been trying to open an e-mail account for my wife in Windows Live
Mail. I clicked on "Accounts" > "Mail" > "Add". "Add an e-mail account".
then entered my wife's e-mail name, and since I didn't get an error
I'm assuming that the name was available. Then I created a password, and
checked the "Remember Password" box. The next window told me that the
account had been created.
When I tried to access the account I got this message: "The sign-in name
you entered doesn't exist, or your password is incorrect."
I was very careful about the name and password, so I believe they were
correct. I tried previous to this attempt using a different
combination with same results.
I have Windows XP Home. I use Qwest/MSN.
Please advise, and thank you.
Bob Burns


I guess I should apologize for not understanding what I was trying to
I was trying to create a new e-mail account using the procedure below, when
the procedure was for adding an existing e-mail account.
Well, it finally sunk in, and I went to Qwest, and created an new e-mail
address, and went to WLM, and added it to my wife's WLM.
I thank you all for offering your help.


I had been misunderstanding what I was trying to achieve all along.
I was trying to create a new e-mail account in WLM, unaware that I should
have been trying to add an existing e-mail account. The light bulb suddenly
lit, and I saw my error.
I went to Qwest, and created a new e-mail account, and added it to my
wife's WLM. So far it looks OK.
Thanks everyone for your help.

PA Bear [MS MVP]

What winston said.
I had been misunderstanding what I was trying to achieve all along.
I was trying to create a new e-mail account in WLM, unaware that I should
have been trying to add an existing e-mail account. The light bulb
lit, and I saw my error.
I went to Qwest, and created a new e-mail account, and added it to my
wife's WLM. So far it looks OK.
Thanks everyone for your help.

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