Needs to add Add-In on Appointment form


Yagnesh Patel

I want to add Add-In(say e.g. Button) on Appoinment for of the Calendar of
Outlook 2007.

I am using VSTO with Office 2007.

Can anyone help me in this?

Thanx in advance,

Yagnesh Patel

Hi Ken,
Thanx for the quick reply.
I am using VSTO 2005 SE and C# on Vista.


Yagnesh Patel

Hi Ken,
I am adding menu bar and button in Outlook 2007 using VSTO and C#.

I am using below code for it.
menuBar = this.Application.ActiveExplorer().CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar;
newMenuBar = (Office.CommandBarPopup)menuBar.Controls.Add(
Office.MsoControlType.msoControlPopup, missing,
missing, missing, false);

Above is giving me the Coomand bars of Active explorer in which if menu bar
is not added then program will add it.

But, in above case menu bar is added for active explorer and I want to add
menu bar only on Appointment form of the calendar.

Do we have any specific class to access that?


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Do you want your UI only in open Appointment items? For Outlook 2007 you
would want to use the ribbon then instead of the CommandBars collection. The
templates I have do have ribbon code in the InterfaceHandler class.

My template only handles new mail items, for appointments you would use:

case "Microsoft.Outlook.Appointment"

to provide the ribbon XML in the GetCustomUI(string ribbonID) callback.

If you want your UI in an Explorer (folder view) but only in Calendar
folders then you would test for (Explorer.CurrentFolder.DefaultItemType ==
Outlook.olItemType.olAppointmentItem) before creating the CommandBars UI for

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