Need to export a date to a CSV file without exporting time elemen.



Need to export a date to a csv file without "" delimiters. These are required
for txt fields. Date needs to be ...,2004/11/05,"txt.....", 1.45. (ie no
delimiters). When exporting from Access table (set up as short date), exports
date correctly but also has time field ie (...,2004/11/05
00:00:00,"txt.....", 1.45.

How do I stop time element exported but not as txt ?

John Nurick

Hi Kevin,

I do this by including the " " delimiters in the query (for the fields
where they're needed), then exporting it with just the comma separator.
So the query might look something like:

SELECT SomeField, Format([DateField],"yyyy/mm/dd") AS fDateField, '"' &
TextField & '"' AS fTextField ...

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