need task killer


Steve N.

kurttrail said:
Yep! Just one fat, lazy bastard.

You weren't negative. Nate was just over-sensitive.

Like I said, sometimes negative reinforcement in called for! And I'm
just the kinda guy to dish it out! :)

LOL! Yeah, sometimes I think you almost enjoy it too much :)



Steve said:
LOL! Yeah, sometimes I think you almost enjoy it too much :)


As long as I am amusing myself, I do enjoy it! I really do!

But what many don't understand is, that for the most part, I'm not being
evil or mean, but in my own way, I'm trying to help . . . . and amuse!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


On Thu, 21 Apr 2005 13:27:19 -0400, "kurttrail"

[drivel snipped]

only insecure weaklings behave the way you do.

asking for a recommendation from people who have used software is too
complex a concept for a scumbag like you to understand. But usenet is
filled with insignificant weaklings like you. C'est la vie. There will
always be twits like you and your fellow lowlife.

Steve N.

kurttrail said:
As long as I am amusing myself, I do enjoy it! I really do!

But what many don't understand is, that for the most part, I'm not being
evil or mean, but in my own way, I'm trying to help . . . . and amuse!

Kinda like Bugs Bunny saying, "He don't me very well, do he? <wink>".

You're alright, Kurt.



About 1,510,000 results for task killer in 0.33 seconds on Google.


dear stupid:

here's a tip for you. There are 3,630 hits for "task killer", with a
single search term in quotes. Doing it the way you do is the wrong
way. But on usenet, idiots like you and your clone are always calling
other people idiots... If you call names, you should avoid making
stupid suggestions.

Btw, what's the name of your admin there. I want to see what they say
about you usijng taxpayer-paid internet the way you do there in
Oregon, from


Hey Nate,

I use Process Explorer from Sysinternals all the time, and it will
frequently help in shutting down programs that Task Manager can not. Has a
bunch of other nifty features, too:

Hope that helps.


thanks to you and David and Tom. I'l check out sysinternals tools and
also the NT Kit. I've got home, not pro, so can't use the pro's

IIRC, from my past accounts on *nix boxes, the sigint(x) command would
take a parameter from 0 to 9, with 9 being more of a request to the
system and 0 being a sure kill. So that's what I was looking for, a
sigint(0) analogue.

Coming from '98, and having avoided ME, I'd heard that XP was more
stable than either of those. As far as outright crashes/freezes or the
equivalent of BSODs, XP does indeed seem more stable. So I was
surprised at getting these frozen threads not only in the app's event
thread, but also the graphics thread. But '98 eventually killed a dead
process better than XP, from what I've seen so far.

Stan Brown

I did that combination once, idiot. Other circumstances also result in
freezes. Is this newsgroup populated only by rude little boys?

It takes two to have a spitting match, you know. Perhaps as you are
asking for help it might be good strategy -- even if you don't
believe in politeness for its own sake -- to lose the attitude.


Simple is as simple does.

listen up, in response to the decent people who replied to my
question, I used complicated technical words like "thread". Although
you and your equally dimwitted boyfriend won't understand technical
concepts like the difference between thread or process, or stack vs
heap, I don't want you to get discouraged. Keep in mind that you might
develop into a decent person one day... hey, it could possibly happen.

And then you or he won't be an idiot who calls other people idiots. Or
you won't be dweebs who make snide little typo flames. It could
happen, really it could. Have hope. Just because you had gotten your
faces pushed into the toilets in school, doesn't mean either of you
might not develop into an actual decent person one day. You might
develop some moirawl fiber, instead of being insecure weaklings. It
could happen!!! :)

But unfortunately, your low IQ's can't be fixed. Sorryy....


in microsoft.public.windowsxp.general:

It takes two to have a spitting match, you know. Perhaps as you are
asking for help it might be good strategy -- even if you don't
believe in politeness for its own sake -- to lose the attitude.

there's no end...

guess what, dummy? decent people did give helpful replies. Idiots gave
abusivee replies. Now go back to your MTV. Maybe a 50 Cent video is
coming up soon, you can find your moral equal.


Nate said:
dear stupid:

here's a tip for you. There are 3,630 hits for "task killer", with a
single search term in quotes.

Where did he say that he used quotes?

And 3500 hits ain't nothing to sneeze at.
Doing it the way you do is the wrong

LOL! And you would be the expert on wrong!
But on usenet, idiots like you and your clone are always calling
other people idiots...

The first person to you the term "idiot" in this thread was you, you
effin' dumb schmuck!
If you call names, you should avoid making
stupid suggestions.

Again, YOU started the name-calling, sh*t-for-brains!
Btw, what's the name of your admin there.

I believe the name of the admin is "Steve."
I want to see what they say
about you usijng taxpayer-paid internet the way you do there in
Oregon, from

Oooh! You can read the headers of his post! Now let's see you go

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Nate said:
On Thu, 21 Apr 2005 13:27:19 -0400, "kurttrail"

[drivel snipped]

only insecure weaklings behave the way you do.

LOL! Actually quite the opposite. I'm so secure, that I make fun of
myself all the time. See, little lazy whining children, that can't take
a little ribbing, like you, are those that are insecure.
asking for a recommendation from people who have used software is too
complex a concept for a scumbag like you to understand.

It is off-topic for this NG. You are just too lazy to do a little
research on your own.
But usenet is
filled with insignificant weaklings like you.

LOL! Like what you say about me means anything!
C'est la vie.

Figures you a Francophile, you ass-dwelling surrender monkey!
There will
always be twits like you and your fellow lowlife.

And lazy, momma's boys like you!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Nate said:
It is not unusual to run into situations now (running xp for only 1
month with a new machine) where apps cannot be killed from task
manager. E.g., I clicked on an mp3 while the modem was dialing and now
the player (MiusicBox) is frozen. Task Manager will not end the task,
nor kill the process on the Processes tab.

Dont run your mp3s while dialing out.


Nate said:
there's no end...

Of you not understanding that people ARE tying to help you, but you got
such a big chip on your shoulder that you can't see it.
guess what, dummy?

See, Stan has done absolutely nothing to deserve your calling him a
decent people did give helpful replies.

And YOU would be a judge of decent people? Steve is a very decent
person, but you called him an idiot.
Idiots gave
abusivee replies.

LOL! Look in the mirror, Idiot!
Now go back to your MTV. Maybe a 50 Cent video is
coming up soon, you can find your moral equal.

Wow! Apple sells just a song for 99 cents, how does MTV sell a music
video for half that?

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"

Yeah, I know that 50 Cent is a rapper.


kurttrail said:
ROFL! Looking to be called an idiot by Nate too! ;-)

I'm trying to backup my hard drive, but I seem to be having a problem
doing so while running mIRC, AOL chat, printing my term papar, and
downloading batches of movie videos and I watch them as I download what
seems to be the problem?

Steve N.

Nate said:
dear stupid:

I'm sorry, are you speaking to me? My name is Steve, not "dear stupid"
or "idiot".
here's a tip for you. There are 3,630 hits for "task killer", with a
single search term in quotes. Doing it the way you do is the wrong

"Wrong way" according to whom? The first page gave you what you needed,
did it not? If a search results in the the information you are looking
for how is that "wrong"?
But on usenet, idiots like you

There you go again, calling me an idiot. Thanks for that. Again.
and your clone

What clone? I speak for myself.

Oh my! Are you talking about Kurttrail? LOL! A brief search on him
should show you he obviously speaks for himself. Trust me, we are
nothing even close to being the same person. In fact, we've probably
disagreed on any number of things over the last two or three years.
Probably longer.
are always calling
other people idiots...

LOL! This is just too self incriminating for you! I'm really sorry Nate,
I shouldn't laugh, but I never called you an idiot and here you are
acusing me of doing to you exactly what you've been doing to me! And now
"dear stupid" to boot! My God, I can't believe this! Too funny! Sorry
but this is just terribly funny!
If you call names, you should avoid making
stupid suggestions.

I did not call you any names at all and I didn't make any stupid
suggestions either, and all I suggested was that you do a Google search
for yourself because I found over 1.5 MILLION hits on your subject for
you. You, however, called me an idiot right off and now address me as
"dear stupid" and continue to call me an idiot. What did you want, for
me to read them all and find for you which one was best suited for you,
then post that one link for you? Come ON!
Btw, what's the name of your admin there.

Oh yeah, like I'm gonna publish that info on usenet? LOL!

Hey Nate, here's a heads up for you - you're talking to him! And BTW,
once again, the name is Steve not "dear stupid" or "idiot".
I want to see what they say

I've already told you what I had to say. I've tried to refrain from
directly insulting you, despite your _direct_ insults to me and others
in this thread, and despite the temptation for me to do so.
about you usijng taxpayer-paid internet the way you do there in
Oregon, from

Relatively meaningless information. I could be anyone on a computer in
this domain for all you know from the headers. Now _I_ could resolve it
to a MAC address, a specific computer, time and user, but you cannot.

I believe I am participating in this group as expected by usenet
standards and by acceptable conventions within this specific newsgroup
(including the humor, which is widely accepted here, BTW). If I have
erred in any manner concerning this I respectfully call upon my peers in
this newsgroup to point out the error of my ways and correct me if they
deem necessary, and I am prepared to accept or debate it, as I see fit.
This is usenet, after all.

I sincerely apologize for inadvertently offending you, but in all
honestly, that is not my problem, it is yours.


Michael Stevens

Plato said:
I'm trying to backup my hard drive, but I seem to be having a problem
doing so while running mIRC, AOL chat, printing my term papar, and
downloading batches of movie videos and I watch them as I download
what seems to be the problem?

Well it is obviously a Microsoft bug!!! LOL I think you should do as Andrew
E suggests as the fix for all problems, "Simple,one must reinstall
xp...Install xp cd,boot to
xp cd (adjust the BIOS for this),then at info screen select,install xp,new
copy,delete the partition,create one,then xp installs auto." I love how he
skillfully crafts his replies, such wonderful formatting. LOL
And don't worry about "Nate the Humorless" as everyone else has ignored ole
"Nate the Humorless".
Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
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