Need syntax or code to exort data from Access table to Excel




I have a table that produces one field Project-list in table Active

I need to export all the data in that field to a pread sheet with one

Starting at A1 (some 400 rows) this is used to populate or is the
source of a drop down list in another spread sheet. rest of the stuff
works okay.

..( only 340 something rows appear in the list) is there a maximum limit
for the drop down list?

My problem is:

The header from access table still shows. (using transferspreadsheet or
outputto) I may be using the wrong suntax. please provide an actual
example if you can

I would like to clear data in target spreadsheet Active jobs.xls, or
simply kill or delete the .xls spread sheet or book, before I
repolulate it.

Please help

Code will be great.




since you are creating this list for use in excel, i would suggess that you
use microsoft query in excel.
in excel - data>Inport external data>new database query.
follow the wizard
as to the maximum limit to a combo box. i just tested a combo box in xp and
it displayed 401 items. if there is a limit, i am not aware of it.


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